Dwarf rhizomatous succulent forming clump to 150 mm diam. Stems 10-60(-100) mm long, 8-15 mm thick, decumbent, erect above soil often from horizontal subterranean runner up to 150 mm or more long, glabrous, grey-green, smooth (to naked eye); tubercles 2-4 mm long, conical, slightly laterally flattened and joined near base into 4 obtuse angles along stem, tapering to deltoid spreading tooth somewhat flattened above and subtended by 2 stipular denticles. Inflorescences glabrous, 1-4 per stem, usually developing beneath surface of soil, each with 1-10 flowers; pedicel 2-5(-10) mm long, 1 mm thick, spreading with ascending apex holding flower facing upwards; sepals 2-3 mm long, 1 mm broad at base, lanceolate, acute, often with recurved tips. Corolla 16-28(-32) mm long, 18-25 mm diam., ± cylindrical with lobes spreading at mouth of tube; outside glabrous, smooth, pinkish red to cream; inside pale pinkish to cream or white with dark maroon patch in base, with somewhat cylindrical obtuse bristly papillae on lobes (from base at least to middle) and in tube, largest around mouth of tube and base of lobes (becoming very short towards base of tube) each with an apical bristle, bristle increasing to 1 mm long towards base of tube; tube 10-18 mm long, 4-7 mm broad, cylindrical, often widest near base and narrowing slightly towards mouth; lobes 6-16 mm long, 2.0-4.5 mm broad at base, usually widely spreading but occasionally remaining fused at tips, lanceolate-acuminate, without thickening in corolla around mouth. Corona 3.0-3.5 mm tall, 3-4 mm broad, raised on very short yellow obtusely pentagonal stipe, dark maroon; outer lobes ascending, broadly obtusely bifid near apex, <0.5 mm long, forming shallow pouch between bases of inner lobes and fused laterally to them for entire length; inner lobes ±2.5 mm long, erect then connivent at apices, laterally flattened becoming dorsiventrally flattened near obtuse slightly swollen tips, with prominent obtuse spreading ± deltoid dorsal wing near middle.
Like S. saxatilis but stems rhizomatous, erect and pyramidal above ground, up to 15 mm diam., flowers arising below ground, corolla cylindrical, 16-28 x 18-25 mm, often subterranean, cream outside, inside pink above, red and bristly below, lobes fused at tips or spreading, lanceolate, 6-16 x 2-4.5 mm, corona maroon.
Like S. breviloba but stems 8-15 mm diam. Flowers with cylindrical tube, pink-red to cream-coloured outside, petals 6-16 mm long, usually widely spreading.