Perennial, dwarf creeping succulent; stems 35-130 mm long, prostrate, often partly underground, 4-angled, with flat or slightly concave sides; glabrous, young stems glaucous-green becoming dull green with purple markings and finally greyish, axillary buds developing with age. Inflorescences 1(3) per stem, arising near base of stem, 4-7-flowered, developing successively. Sepals ± lanceolate, acute, apex recurved, glabrous. Corolla broadly ovoid or subglobose, frosted blackish purple inside, glabrous outside; lobes deltoid to ovate-lanceolate, connate at apex forming dome-like top to flower. Corona 2-seriate; outer lobes dark purple-brown, reduced to minute, ovate-deltoid, spreading; inner lobes dark purple-brown, erect, with apex connivent above style apex, thick and fleshy. Flowering time Dec.?
Mat-forming succulent, up to 150 x 300 mm, stems leafless, 4-angled, prostrate, tuberculate, up to 25 mm diam. Flowers 1-10, developing in succession, in a cluster on a short, knobbly peduncle near stem base, pedicels 3-12 mm long, spreading. Corolla ellipsoidal, 8-21 x 6-11 mm, glabrous and red outside, inside red and bristly below, lobes erect, fused at tips. Deltoid, 4-9 x 4-7 mm. Corona maroon to yellow, outer lobes bifid, minute and pouch-like at base of inner lobes, inner laterally flattened, erect above anthers, with a dorsal tooth.
Leafless, dwarf succulent with prostrate stems to 30 cm long, 4-angled, 8-25 mm diam.; sap clear. Flowers ellipsoid to obovoid or subcampanulate, pale pink to dark maroon outside, petals 4-9 mm long, usually remaining joined at tips.