Plants epiphytic, rooting at the nodes and more or less scandent, densely leafy, the leaves distichous; petioles long-vaginate, geniculate below the base of the blade; blades oblong-elliptic or lanceolate, unequal-sided, rather coriaceous when dried, very succulent when living, the primary lateral nerves numerous, obliquely ascend-ing; peduncles rather long, nutant at first at the apex, later erect; spathe convolute, open in anthesis, whitish, soon deciduous; spadix sessile or stip-itate, cylindric, whitish; flowers per-fect and fertile, naked; stamens 4, the filaments complanate, abruptly narrowed at the apex into the slender connective, equaling the ovary; an-ther cells oblong-ovoid, acute, de-hiscent by lateral slits that do not reach the base of the cell; ovary ob-pyramidal or prismatic, truncate at the apex, 2-celled; ovules 4 or more in each cell, collateral, anatropous; style short, thicker than the ovary, the stigma linear-oblong; fruits small, baccate, obovoid, subtruncate at the apex, 2-celled, each cell with 3 or more seeds; seeds clavate-cylindric, slender, with a rather thick testa; endosperm copious.