Stenotaphrum secundatum (Walter) Kuntze

St. augustine grass (en), Sténotaphrum (fr), Sténotaphrum à deux rangs (fr), Chiendent de bœuf (fr)


Angiosperms > Poales > Poaceae > Stenotaphrum


Perennial, coarse, glaucous, almost glabrous tufts arising from a short woody rhizome and from long, trailing, tough, arching, compressed, angular stolons; stolons deeply furrowed along one edge and rooting at lower nodes; branching extravaginal from rhizome, culms branching intravaginally above. Leaf-sheath light green to later creamy brown, firm, papery, strongly folded, keeled, narrow membranous margin edged with long soft hairs just below collar. Ligule a densely ciliate rim, hairs c. 0.5 mm. Collar villous. Leaf-blade (3)-10-20 cm ×c. 2-4 mm diam., strongly folded, later flattened, firm, papery, linear, abaxially glabrous, adaxially with occasional long hairs; keel pronounced, narrow; margins often inrolled, somewhat thickened, smooth, but scabrid towards obtuse, almost truncate tip. Culm to 25 cm, nodes glabrous, compressed, internodes glabrous. Panicle 3.5-7 cm, spike-like, terminal, with 1-2 lateral, pedunculate panicles from axils of upper leaves, included within or shortly exserted from uppermost sheath; rachis erect or curved, stout, dorsally flattened and (1.5)-2-3.5 mm wide, bearing numerous, short, alternate, contiguous racemes on one side, often with depressions marking off internodes, disarticulating below each raceme at maturity; racemes bearing (1)-2-3-(5) spikelets, in hollows along 3-angled rachis; raceme-rachis scabrid-angled above and prolonged to a sharp point beside upper spikelet. Spikelets 4-5 mm, elliptic-lanceolate, acute or subacuminate, pale greenish, brownish or purplish; pedicels very reduced, stout. Glumes membranous, very dissimilar; lower 0.5-1 mm, nerveless, obtuse to truncate, glabrous, or apex ciliate, upper 3.5-5 mm, 7-9-nerved, acute, glabrous. Lower floret ♂: lemma = spikelet, 5-9-nerved, subcoriaceous, scabrid near apex; palea ≈ lemma, chartaceous, glabrous, keels rounded and thickened, margins hyaline; anthers 1.6-2.8 mm. Upper floret ☿: lemma 5-nerved, more lanceolate and more acute than lemma of lower floret; both lemma and palea scabrid in upper ½; anthers 2-2.5 mm; stigmas conspicuous, purplish; caryopsis not seen.
Perennial, 60-400 mm high; extensively stoloniferous, forming dense swards; sheaths strongly flattened, often grouped in fan-shaped arrangements; culms rooting at nodes. Leaf blade 50-150 x 4-10 mm long, keeled, apex acute to obtuse or rounded; ligule a fringed membrane. Inflorescence spike-like, compact; central axis thick, swollen, flat on one side, deeply hollowed out on other; each cavity is borne alternately on either side of a wavy, slightly winged midrib, cavity not toothed, each raceme commonly with 1(-3) spikelets. Spikelet 4-5 mm long, dorsiventrally compressed, awnless; glumes very unequal, dissimilar; lower glume 0.8-2.0 mm long, shorter than spikelet, nerveless, obtuse or truncate; upper glume 4-5 mm long, acute or acuminate, 5-7-nerved. Florets 2; lower floret male or sterile, lemma 7-9-nerved, convex or flat on back, palea acute or acuminate; upper floret bisexual, lemma not hardened, 5-nerved; anther 1.8-2.4 mm long. Flowering time Oct.-May.
Perennial 60-400 mm high; extensively stoloniferous, forming dense swards; sheaths strongly flattened, and often grouped in fan-shaped arrangements; culms rooting at the nodes. Leaf blade 50-150 x 4-10 mm long, keeled, apex acute to obtuse or rounded. Inflorescence spike-like, compact; central axis thick, swollen and corky, flat on one side and deeply hollowed out on the other; each cavity is borne alternately on either side of a wavy, slightly winged midrib, ending in a narrow, sharp, naked projection beyond the last spikelet, cavity not toothed, each raceme with 1-3 spikelets. Spikelet 4-5 mm; lower glume 0.8-2.0 mm long, shorter than spikelet, nerveless, obtuse or truncate; upper glume 4-5 mm long, acute or acuminate, 5-7-nerved; lower lemma 4-5 mm long, 7-9-nerved, convex or flat on back; upper lemma not hardened, 5-nerved; lower palea acute or acuminate; anthers 1.8-2.4 mm long.
Perennial, stoloniferous and forming a dense sward. Culms much branched, flowering shoots 10–30 cm tall. Leaf sheaths strongly keeled, often grouped in flabellate clusters; leaf blades broadly linear, folded when young, up to 15 × 0.4–1 cm, apex obtuse; ligule ca. 0.5 mm. Inflorescence 5–12 cm, slender, cylindrical; axis corky, disarticulating into segments at maturity; racemes 4–10 mm, reduced to 1–3 spikelets embedded in one face of the rachis, alternating on either side of the sinuous midrib; raceme rachis a stout pointed appendage within the axis cavity. Spikelets lanceolate, 4–5 mm, acute; lower glume up to 1/4 as long as spikelet; upper glume as long as spikelet; lower floret staminate, lemma cartilaginous, 3-veined, palea well developed; upper lemma papery, subequal to spikelet, smooth, acute. Fl. and fr. summer.
Coarse tough wiry stoloniferous perennial; culms compressed, erect from the usually arching stolons, 5-50 cm. high, long internodes alternate with a series of very short ones, making the leaves in groups; sheaths broad, compressed, keeled, glabrous, sometimes ciliate on the margins, with a small tuft of hairs in the throat; blades flat, conduplicate, obtuse, 2-15 cm. long, as much as 15 mm. wide unfolded, glabrous, the margins scabrous at the tip; racemes terminal on the main culm and short branches from the upper nodes, mostly 4-10 cm. long, straight or curved, the thick rachis 3-4 mm. wide; spikelets 4-6 mm. long, acuminate, glabrous, the first glume obtuse, one-third to half as long as the spikelet.
A grass. It keeps growing from year to year. It has stolons and forms a dense mat. The stems are much branched. The flowering shoots are 10-30 cm tall. The leaf blades are folded when young. They are 15 cm long by 1 cm wide.
Mat-forming, prostrate perennial, sometimes to 30 cm. Leaves oblong, folded. Spikelets partly embedded in a secund, 2-ranked spike, swollen and rounded on one side.
Life form perennial
Growth form herb
Growth support free-standing
Foliage retention evergreen
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination anemogamy
Spread barochory
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) 0.1 - 0.3
Root system rhizome
Rooting depth (meter) 0.9
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway c4


Found in a variety of habitats, most commonly on siliceous and calcareous sands near the sea.
It is a tropical and subtropical plant. In Argentina it grows up to 800 m above sea level.
Light 2-6
Soil humidity 5-10
Soil texture 3-6
Soil acidity 2-7
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 8-11


Uses animal food environmental use fodder food gene source medicinal ornamental
Edible seeds
Therapeutic use Dermatological Aid (leaf), Gynecological Aid (leaf), Oral Aid (leaf), Pediatric Aid (leaf)
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Can be grown by cuttings or seedlings.
Mode cuttings seedlings
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -7
Optimum temperature (C°) 18 - 30
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -



Stenotaphrum secundatum habit picture by ecologicalrevolution (cc-by-sa)
Stenotaphrum secundatum habit picture by Alfredo Dorantes Euan (cc-by-sa)
Stenotaphrum secundatum habit picture by pedrogc -- (cc-by-sa)


Stenotaphrum secundatum leaf picture by Bruno Bruno Oliveira (cc-by-sa)
Stenotaphrum secundatum leaf picture by rolf blaser (cc-by-sa)
Stenotaphrum secundatum leaf picture by ojancos (cc-by-sa)


Stenotaphrum secundatum flower picture by José María Piñón Cobelo (cc-by-sa)
Stenotaphrum secundatum flower picture by Flor Alex (cc-by-sa)
Stenotaphrum secundatum flower picture by Leo19 (cc-by-sa)


Stenotaphrum secundatum fruit picture by Monteiro Henrique (cc-by-sa)


Stenotaphrum secundatum world distribution map, present in Åland Islands, Austria, Benin, Bahamas, Belize, Bermuda, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Brazil, China, Congo, Cook Islands, Costa Rica, Cuba, Cayman Islands, Dominica, Algeria, Ecuador, Egypt, Spain, Ethiopia, Fiji, France, Gabon, Georgia, Ghana, Guinea, Greece, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Haiti, Italy, Jamaica, Kenya, Liberia, Morocco, Mozambique, Mauritania, Mauritius, Namibia, Norfolk Island, Nigeria, Nicaragua, New Zealand, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Portugal, Paraguay, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Solomon Islands, Sierra Leone, Suriname, eSwatini, Chad, Togo, Tokelau, Tonga, Tunisia, Uruguay, United States of America, Viet Nam, Vanuatu, Samoa, South Africa, and Zimbabwe

Conservation status

Stenotaphrum secundatum threat status: Least Concern


WFO ID wfo-0000901635
BDTFX ID 66346
INPN ID 125107
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR)


Diastemanthe platystachys Ischaemum secundatum Rottboellia paleacea Stenotaphrum sarmentosum Rottboellia stolonifera Rottboellia tripsacoides Stenotaphrum americanum Stenotaphrum dimidiatum var. americanum Stenotaphrum dimidiatum var. secundatum Stenotaphrum glabrum var. americanum Stenotaphrum secundatum var. variegatum Stenotaphrum glabrum var. glabrum Stenotaphrum secundatum var. secundatum Stenotaphrum secundatum