Leaf up to 30 × 20 cm., pilose-pubescent on both surfaces, irregularly crenate-dentate on the margin, subsessile or with a short stalk up to 20 mm. on which the hairs point downwards.
Stamens arising in upper third of corolla tube; filaments 5–8 mm. long, thickened above base, generally with stalked glands in the upper part; anther lobes 1.75–2 mm. long.
Ovary 6–24 mm. long, clad with dense spreading glandular and eglandular hairs, passing into style of 2–10 mm., glandular-pubescent; stigma stomatomorphic, 2–3 mm. broad.
Peduncles 12–25 cm., pilose-pubescent; branches of inflorescence either pilose-pubescent or with greater or lesser admixture of glandular hairs.
Calyx divided almost to base into 5 linear segments 3–9 mm. long, pilose-pubescent with or without some glandular hairs.
Capsule c. 40–75 × 2–3 mm., glandular-pubescent, glabrescent after ripening.
Inflorescences arising from top of stalk and base of midrib, c. 30 cm. high.
Unifoliate monocarpic herb, more rarely plurifoliate and perennial.
Seeds 0.6–0.9 mm. long, reticulate.
Bracts usually linear, c. 10 mm.
Pedicels c. 25–35 mm.