Monocarpic. Leaf 1, occasionally stalked, up to 380 x 330 mm, pilose, base cordate, margin crenate. Inflorescences with many flowers open together. Peduncles up to 400 mm; pedicels 10-17 mm, both pilose, the hairs often gland-tipped. Bracts linear to lanceolate, up to 8 x 2.5 mm, occasionally foliose. Calyx divided to the base into 5 linear segments,3-5 x 1 mm. Corolla 22-45 mm long, pilose with patent glandular and eglandular hairs outside (gland-tipped hairs sometimes absent), glabrous inside, colour variable, tube 13-30 mm long, c. 4-5 mm diam., c. 4-10 mm across throat between lateral sinuses, subcylindric to very narrowly funnel-shaped,-almost straight or slightly bent downwards about the middle, more conspicuous than limb; upper lip of 2 suborbicular lobes, 4-6 x 3-6mm, lower lip 8-15 mm long, lobes suborbicular, 4-7 x 4-7 mm, limb coloured as tube, throat and base of lower lip often violet marked with white wedges, obscure in pale colour forms, which sometimes have a yellow stripe on floor of tube. Stamens arising in upper third of corolla tube, filaments 4 mm long, curved and thickened below the anthers, some-times purplish; anther lobes 1-2 mm long, white. Ovary 10-20 mm long, pilose with patent glandular and eglandular hairs or pubescent with half-erect hairs (subsp. septentrionalis); style terete, 4-8 mm long, pubescent, sometimes glandular; stigma stomatomorphic. Capsule 65-111(93 ± 10) mm long, 1.2 mm diam. (Natal), c. 50 x 1 mm (Rhodesia, Mozambique). Seeds 0.5-0.7 mm long, reticulate.