Inflorescences arising from top of stalk and base of midrib, one to several, floriferous with several flowers open at a time; peduncles shortly but densely pubescent; pedicels up to 25 mm.; bracts small, linear.
Leaf solitary, up to 350 × 300 mm., usually more or less cordate at the base, shortly pilose on both surfaces, subsessile or with a short thick stalk.
Ovary c. 20 mm. long, densely pubescent with short spreading hairs; style 10 mm., pubescent; stigma stomatomorphic.
Stamens arising in middle third of tube; filaments 5 mm., thick, curved, glabrous; anther lobes 1.5 mm.
Calyx divided to the base into 5 linear-lanceolate segments 2–5 mm. long.
Capsule very slender, pubescent, up to 130 × 1 mm.
Seeds 0.5–6 mm. long, reticulate.
Staminodes small.