Monocarpic. Leaf 1, always with a stout, conspicuous stalk, up to 450 x 350 mm, pilose, base cordate, margin crenate, lower surface always rich beetroot-red. Inflorescences with many flowers open together. Peduncles up to 550 mm; pedicels c. 14 mm long, both pilose. Calyx divided to the base into 5 linear segments, 6 x 1.5 mm. Corolla 35-50 mm long, scabridulous outside, glabrous inside except for a palate of minute unicellular hairs on floor of tube and glandular pubescence around mouth; tube narrowly cylindric, deflexed about the middle, c. 18 mm long, 3-5 mm in diam., 10-14 mm across mouth between lateral sinuses, whitish suffused medium violet above; limb medium violet with 2 deeper violet blotches in the throat flanking a white stripe on the floor of the tube, white wedges on lower lip, upper lip of 2 suborbicular lobes, 8-11 x 8-12 mm, lower lip 15-24 mm long, 25-38 mm broad, the lobes broadly elliptic, 10-14 x7-12 mm. Stamens arising in upper third of corolla tube, filaments 4 mm long, white sometimes suffused violet, sparsely glandular; anther lobes3 mm long, white, sparsely glandular. Ovary 10 mm long, appressed pubescent, eglandular; style terete, 4 mm long, pubescent; stigma stomatomorphic. Capsule 47-87(64 ± 8) mm long, 2.5 mm in diameter. Seeds0.6-0.9 mm long, reticulate.