Caulescent homophyllous perennial up to 0.4 m. tall.. Stem shortly white-pubescent and setiferous; setae 1–4 mm. long, often drying purple with a pale tip.. Leaves ± narrowly elliptic, 3–7 (10) cm. x 0.5–1.5 (–2.5) cm., sessile or petiole not more than 1 (–2) mm. long; base narrowly cuneate; margin sharply serrate, apex acute; roughly pubescent and setiferous.. Flowers 3–5 (–6) per inflorescence; peduncle 5–14 cm. long, puberulous and densely setiferous; setae yellow, swollen-based and up to 1 mm. long and sometimes some similar to stem-setae; bracteoles ± 2 mm. long, deciduous; pedicels 3–5 (–8) mm. long, indumentum as of peduncle.. Calyx pubescent and sparsely setiferous; tube 10–12 mm. long, hairy within on lower 4–6 mm.; lobes 5–8 mm. long.. Petals yellow or orange, 22–32 x 7–8 mm.. Filaments equal, 10–12 mm. long.. Ovary ovoid-oblong, 2–3.5 x 1.5 mm. longly and irregularly pubescent; styles ± 10.5 mm. long.. Capsules broadly ellipsoid, 4–8.5 x 3.5 mm., long pubescent and irregularly setiferous; beak 0.5 mm. long (see Fig. 5/8).. Aril ovate, exceeding half the length of the seed in length; margin irregularly subcrenate.. Fig. 5/6–9, p. 16.