Leaves heteromorphic, the lower ones 1·5–6 × 0·5–1 cm., rhombic-cuneate, pinnatifid to pinnatilobed with obtuse lobes, the median and upper ones larger, up to 14 × 4 cm., lanceolate, unlobed, attenuate to the acute apex, the greater part of the margin distinctly 2-serrate or in uppermost leaves minutely serrulate, cuneate and entire at the base, thinly, subappressedly and shortly hairy on both faces, more densely and subpatently so on the nerves.
Stem up to 50 cm. high, erect, usually simple, with a double indumentum of short, thin, patent hairs and of soft, up to 1 mm. long setae which are slightly swollen at the base.
Calyx pubescent and setose on the outside; tube 8–13 mm. long, densely hairy within on the lower 3–4 mm.; lobes 2–4 mm. long, obtuse or sometimes obsolete.
Seeds 2·75–3 × 0·8–0·9 mm., clavate, finally nearly black; aril as long as or slightly shorter than the seed, oblong, crenate at the margin.
Capsule (5)7–12 × 3–4 mm., ellipsoid, setose, the setae with swollen and sometimes blackish base.
Stamens with filaments 9–12(13) mm. long and anthers c. 1·8 mm. long.
Pedicels c. 1 mm. long, accrescent, hairy like the peduncles.
Petals 11–16 × 2–4 mm., obovate-cuneate, yellow to orange.
Ovary oblong, setose, 12–15-ovulate; styles 8–10 mm. long.
Peduncles up to 2 cm. long, pubescent and also setose.
Racemes (1)2–12-flowered, up to 9 cm. long in fruit.
Flowers homostylous.
An annual herb.