Leaves sessile, opposite, 3-nerved, (1)2–4(7) x 3–7(10) cm., coarsely toothed each tooth the termination of one of the secondary veins, margins recurved, scabrid-pubescent.
Semiparasitic herb, up to 0.6 m high. Leaves unequally dentate, scabrid on both faces and on margin, lanceolate or oval-oblong. Flowers 25 mm long, salmon-pink or orange.
Corolla salmon pink, densely glandular-pubescent, no obvious scent, tube c. 2 cm. long, angled near top, middle lower lobe 7–9( 11) mm. wide, upper lobes smaller.
Calyx tube 5–9 mm. long, lobes lanceolate as long as tube, nerves scabrid hairy; bracteoles linear, shorter than calyx.
Stiffly erect annual herb, dark green, sparsely branched, to 75 cm. high, usually much shorter.
Erect, simple or little-branched scabrid herb a few inches to 2 ft. high
Flowers pink, or sometimes scarlet or yellow, subtended by leafy bracts
Capsule shorter than calyx tube, flattened, rounded at apex.
Young parts glandular-pubescent, becoming scabrous with age.
Bracts leaf-like, usually more than 2 cm. long.
Flowers opposite to alternate.
Drying greenish-brown.