Slender erect stem 20–55 cm. high, usually single or 2 or 3 from base, of ten branched, branches erect, square in section, covered with appressed grey ascending hairs.
Erect herb, simple or little-branched from near the base, stems ribbed and square, 1-2 ft. high
Leaves inconspicuous, appressed to stem, opposite, linear-subulate, 4–10 mm. long.
Calyx tube 2 mm. long, subulate lobes 4 mm. long, 5-nerved, appressed-pubescent.
Flowers pale pink, pale lilac or white in rather dense spikes 3-12 ins. long
Capsule included in calyx, acute with persistent style or base of style.
Bracts similar to leaves, slightly broader.
Flowers opposite in terminal spike.
Drying grey.