Shrub or treelet, 2-10 m; crown dense, globular, fastigiate. Twigs glabrous, dark, ± zigzag. Leaves glabrous, closely placed, elliptic to nearly orbicular with more or less attenuate base, finely glandular dentate or crenate margin and rounded to acute or slightly acuminate apex, 15-50 by 7-25 mm; nerves 4-6 pairs, meeting in an intramarginal vein; petiole 3-7 mm. Inflorescence an axillary few-flowered raceme or often a 1-flowered shoot with several miniature sparsely pubescent to glabrous bractlike leaves of 3 by 1 to 10 by 5 mm; axis glabrous or minutely appressedly hairy. Bracts and bracteoles caducous; pedicel between them to 2 mm. Calyx glabrous or finely appressedly hairy, 2-5 mm long, the lobes ciliate, 1-3 mm. Corolla 5-8 mm. Stamens 70 to more than 100. Disk glabrous. Ovary glabrous or rarely finely appressedly hairy, 2-3 mm high; style glabrous, 3-7 mm. Fruit ellipsoid to ovoid, 10-15 by 6-8 mm; stone with low lengthwise ridges. Seed 1, straight with straight embryo.
Mixed, evergreen, subalpine low forest and scrub, common, 2400-4000 m. Fl. March-July, Oct., Dec.; fr. Febr.-Aug.