Symplocos Jacq.

Sweetleaf (en)


Angiosperms > Ericales > Symplocaceae


Shrubs to (rarely) large, (in Mal.) evergreen trees; bark in various spp. bitter; growth continuous or interrupted (in flushes), in the latter case the buds protected by often leathery bud-scales; glabrous or hairy (by simple hairs). Leaves simple, alternate or spirally arranged, rarely pseudoverticillate, estipulate, penninerved, petioled, rarely almost sessile; when dry often discolouring (often in yellow tinges) in subg. Hopea. Flowers in spikes, racemes, or panicles, mostly from the upper leaf-axils, sometimes condensed to clusters, sometimes terminal or from the axils of fallen leaves, rarely solitary; supported by a bract and 2 bracteoles, rarely several bracts and bracteoles by abortion of flowers; flowers actinomorphic, bisexual, rarely by reduction unisexual and plant polygamous, not rarely fragrant, distinctly so in subg. Symplocos. Calyx with a very short tube above the inferior ovary, the limb 3-5-lobed, imbricate, persistent, sometimes split into two parts and seemingly 2-lobed. Corolla sympetalous, but divided nearly to the base in subg. Hopea; lobes (3—)5(—10 in the New World), quincuncially imbricate, whitish, bluish or purplish. Stamens 4 to mostly ∞, connate in a long monadelphous tube, at its base adnate to the corolla and very unequal, but in subg. Hopea only connate at the very base, monadelphous or pentadelphous and then the bundles alternipetalous; anthers globose, 2-celled, lengthwise dehiscent, introrse. Ovary inferior (to ± semi-inferior), 2-5-celled, with a complete septation; style 1, stigma punctiform or peltate. Ovules 2-4 in each cell, pendulous, anatropous-epitropous or amphitropous, unitegmic, tenuicellular. Drupe monopyrenous, crowned by the persistent calyx lobes, of various shape: cylindrical to globose, ampulliform or spindle-shaped; mesocarp usually thin, sometimes thick and then often quite hard; stone smooth or mostly sculptured in various degree or lengthwise ridged. Seeds straight or curved, 1 in each developed cell, with copious endosperm; embryo straight or curved, with very short linear cotyledons.
Shrubs or trees; twigs pubescent. Leaves alternate, entire or serrate, some-times on the same plant, mostly elliptic, glabrous, shiny above, coriaceous; petioles short; stipules wanting. Inflorescences axillary, short, many-l-flowered; bracts small; pedicels present or wanting; bractlets often present. Flowers perfect (Pan-ama), small; calyx with sepals 4-9 united halfway, imbricate, often ciliate; corolla sympetalous, divided halfway or more into 3-11 imbricate petals in 1-2 whorls; stamens 5-100, the filaments fused into a short basal column which is adnate to the corolla, the anthers small, rotund; ovary 2-6 locular, flat topped, half or more inferior, 2-4 pendant ovules in each locule, the style single, short, the stigma capitate. Fruits stony drupes surmounted by the calyx lobes.
Shrubs or trees, glabrous or hairy (hairs simple, 1-celled, with transverse septa); new vegetative growth from axillary and/or pseudoterminal buds. Branches smooth at maturity, glabrous or white-or rufous-pubescent. Leaves often sweet tasting; blade with marginal teeth usually glandular, apex acute to acuminate, midvein abaxially prominent, adaxially raised, prominent, or impressed [rarely flat]. Flowers fragrant; sepals imbricate; petals imbricate, white or yellow [pink, reddish, or lavender]; filaments glabrous [hairy]; anthers rotund-ovate to spheric. Drupes usually blue, sometimes orange to brown [white], crowned by persistent calyx; endocarp 1[-5]-celled. x = 11.
Leaves usually not becoming yellow when dry. Corolla tubular, erect, often to above the middle adherent to the staminal tube and then suddenly expanded; margins of the petals free, thus sometimes obscuring the coalescence. Stamens monadelphous; free part of filaments ribbon-shaped, in several whorls, in the outer whorl often very short, always suddenly attenuate below the anther. Fruits 2-5-celled, usually none of the cells aborted. Seeds straight, cylindrical.
Leaves usually becoming more or less yellow when drying. Petals glabrous, or hairy in only few species, connate only at the very base, mostly expanded. Stamens monadelphous to pentadelphous, only connate at the very base (for at most 2 mm); filaments cylindrical, slender to rather stiff, often gradually attenuate towards the anther. Fruits 2-3(-5?)-celled, often 1-celled by abortion. Seeds either straight or curved, and then with curved embryo.
Morphological characters and geographical distribution are the same as the family.
Characters of the family. 300+, mostly warm regions.
Life form -
Growth form
Growth support -
Foliage retention evergreen
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


All species are evergreen, except a single deciduous one, S. paniculata (THUNB.) MIQ. from Kashmir to Manchuria and Japan.They grow under tropical to temperate conditions in mixed evergreen rainforest, not under arid conditions.Their stature is mostly small and they make part of the undergrowth and lower storeys, in exceptional cases attaining a maximum height of c. 30 m and 60 cm ø.In Malesia they are found from sea-level up to the alpine zone at c. 4000 m (Mt Kinabalu; New Guinea), where they are represented by mostly microphyllous (Fig. 12) dwarf shrubs in the dense elfin and mossy forest on slopes, summits and ridges where they may be common; but they are almost nowhere recorded as a dominant.A few species, e.g. S. polyandra, are restricted to the lowland, but most species have a fair altitudinal range, and are most commonly collected in the hill and mountain forest. A few are restricted to high altitude, e.g. S. buxifolia, S. deflexa, S. johniana, S. zizyphoides, and several varieties of S. cochinchinensis.A fair number seem to be rare and have been seldom collected, others are common and widely distributed in the archipelago, notably S. cochinchinensis, S. celastrifolia, S. fasciculate S. laeteviridis, S. ophirensis, and S. odoratissima.Especially these species, several of which are variable, grow on a variety of soils, including young-volcanic; they are scarce on limestone and generally prefer more acid, humous soils, e.g. S. celastrifolia is common in coastal forests, especially in the transition between mangroves and freshwater swamps, but it occurs also on kerangas, along river banks, and even in peat swamp forest.S. cochinchinensis var. sessifolia is very resistant against poisonous crater gases and acid soil conditions and can act as a pioneer in crater fields in Java, sometimes dwarfing down to very small size, although still producing flower and fruit; in the surrounding closed elfin forest it is a common small tree, growing together with Vaccinium, Myrica, Myrsine, Leptospermum, etc.
Rainforest, from the lowland up to c. 3300 m (Mt Kinabalu).
Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 4-11


Uses. As timber Symplocos has no great value, according to HEYNE ( Nutt. Pl. 1927 1262 ). Leaves and bark of Symplocos contain a fair amount of alum, both in Asian and American spp. (cf. Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges. 22 1904 126 ). This was commonly used, mostly from decoctions of the bark, in dyeing processes (red and brown), e.g. in the batik industry in Java. RUMPHIUS already mentioned this use from the Moluccas. Several species were used for this purpose, e.g. S. cochinchinensis, S. fasciculata, S. odoratissima (HEYNE, l.c.). The same compound is probably also the constituent active in medicinal uses against so-called sprue ('thrush') as 'obat seriawarf.
Uses dye medicinal timber
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Symplocos unspecified picture


Symplocos world distribution map, present in Australia, China, Fiji, Kenya, Panama, United States of America, and South Africa


WFO ID wfo-4000037242
INPN ID 628239
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Suringaria Hypopogon Mongezia Protohopea Sariava Scyrtocarpus Symplocos Praealstonia Cordyloblaste Eugenioides glaucescens Eugenioides laetum Cofer

Lower taxons

Symplocos oblongifolia Symplocos olivacea Symplocos ophirensis Symplocos jauaensis Symplocos koidzumiana Symplocos junghuhnii Symplocos kawakamii Symplocos kemiriensis Symplocos khasiana Symplocos johniana Symplocos megalocarpa Symplocos montana Symplocos micrantha Symplocos microcalyx Symplocos microphylla Symplocos microstyla Symplocos lehmannii Symplocos leonis Symplocos leptophylla Symplocos leucantha Symplocos liukiuensis Symplocos monantha Symplocos silverstonei Symplocos singuliflora Symplocos sordida Symplocos stawellii Symplocos salicifolia Symplocos salicioides Symplocos serrulata Symplocos sawafutagi Symplocos tamana Symplocos tanakae Symplocos thwaitesii Symplocos suaveolens Symplocos robinsonii Symplocos robusta Symplocos rubiginosa Symplocos pycnobotrya Symplocos rayae Symplocos celastrifolia Symplocos celastrinea Symplocos cerasifolia Symplocos chimantensis Symplocos buxifolia Symplocos calycodactylos Symplocos arbutifolia Symplocos glaziovii Symplocos goodeniacea Symplocos gracilis Symplocos graniticola Symplocos flos-pilosa Symplocos foliosa Symplocos glabarrima Symplocos glabriramifera Symplocos iliaspaiensis Symplocos cundinamarcensis Symplocos cuneata Symplocos decorticans Symplocos deflexa Symplocos flosfragrans Symplocos cyanocarpa Symplocos cordifolia Symplocos coronata Symplocos costaricana Symplocos costata Symplocos crassipes Symplocos crassiramifera Symplocos crassulacea Symplocos costatifructa Symplocos macrocarpa Symplocos striata Symplocos buxifolioides Symplocos insolita Symplocos saxatilis Symplocos colombonensis Symplocos gambliana Symplocos gigantifolia Symplocos nivea Symplocos obovatifolia Symplocos obtusa Symplocos octopetala Symplocos myrtacea Symplocos pergracilis Symplocos moaensis Symplocos mucronata Symplocos multibracteata Symplocos nairii Symplocos nakaharae Symplocos neblinae Symplocos oligandra Symplocos paucistaminea Symplocos pealii Symplocos pedunculata Symplocos organensis Symplocos ovalis Symplocos oxyphylla Symplocos oreophila Symplocos kothayarensis Symplocos kurgensis Symplocos laeteviridis Symplocos lasseri Symplocos latifolia Symplocos ledermannii Symplocos martinicensis Symplocos leucocarpa Symplocos lilacina Symplocos schiedeana Symplocos schomburgkii Symplocos subglabra Symplocos subsecunda Symplocos sukoei Symplocos sumatrana Symplocos subintegra Symplocos pulchra Symplocos pulvinata Symplocos pittieriana Symplocos phaeoneura Symplocos pichindensis Symplocos pochinii Symplocos polyandra Symplocos rhomboidea Symplocos riangensis Symplocos rigidissima Symplocos rimosa Symplocos rizzinii Symplocos pyriflora Symplocos quindiuensis Symplocos ramuliflora Symplocos cambodiana Symplocos candelabrum Symplocos composiracemosa Symplocos ciponimoides Symplocos clarkei Symplocos angulata Symplocos altissima Symplocos ambangensis Symplocos amplifolia Symplocos anamallayana Symplocos andicola Symplocos annamensis Symplocos brachybotrys Symplocos aprilis Symplocos barringtoniifolia Symplocos bogotensis Symplocos boninensis Symplocos araioura Symplocos arborea Symplocos baeuerlenii Symplocos austin-smithii Symplocos guianensis Symplocos huegeliana Symplocos hotteana Symplocos herzogii Symplocos imperialis Symplocos lanata Symplocos guillauminii Symplocos hintonii Symplocos hartwegii Symplocos hayesii Symplocos harroldii Symplocos cylindracea Symplocos cubensis Symplocos culminicola Symplocos debilis Symplocos fasciculata Symplocos estrellensis Symplocos filipes Symplocos flavescens Symplocos disepala Symplocos diversifolia Symplocos domingensis Symplocos elliptica Symplocos trachycarpos Symplocos verticillifolia Symplocos vidalii Symplocos whitfordii Symplocos wynadense Symplocos violacea Symplocos trichomarginalis Symplocos tricoccata Symplocos trisepala Symplocos turrilliana Symplocos ulei Symplocos umbellata Symplocos unicarpa Symplocos vatteri Symplocos venulosa Symplocos yapacanensis Symplocos zizyphoides Symplocos trianae Symplocos acananensis Symplocos acuminata Symplocos abietorum Symplocos lutescens Symplocos macrophylla Symplocos longifolia Symplocos magdalenae Symplocos maliliensis Symplocos paniensis Symplocos dolichopoda Symplocos ovata Symplocos fragilis Symplocos golondrinae Symplocos neillii Symplocos guacamayensis Symplocos serratifolia Symplocos vanderwerffii Symplocos cuscoensis Symplocos trichocarpa Symplocos excoriata Symplocos condorensis Symplocos hylandii Symplocos paniculata Symplocos odoratissima Symplocos coreana Symplocos nigridentata Symplocos atlantica Symplocos tinctoria (l.) l'hér. Symplocos baehnii Symplocos cernua Symplocos colorata Symplocos coriacea Symplocos tribracteolata Symplocos shilanensis Symplocos wikstroemiifolia Symplocos quitensis Symplocos subandina Symplocos pluribracteata Symplocos clethrifolia Symplocos fuscata Symplocos canescens Symplocos rimbachii Symplocos truncata Symplocos carmencitae Symplocos fimbriata Symplocos parvifolia Symplocos apiciflora Symplocos verrucisurcula Symplocos sulcinervia Symplocos lancifolia Symplocos ferruginea Symplocos vinoso-dentata Symplocos paucinervia Symplocos stellaris Symplocos glandulifera Symplocos adenopus Symplocos ulotricha Symplocos fukienensis Symplocos dolichotricha Symplocos crataegoides Symplocos pendula Symplocos setchuensis Symplocos tetragona Symplocos theifolia Symplocos henryi Symplocos anomala Symplocos cochinchinensis Symplocos groffii Symplocos ovatilobata Symplocos sumuntia Symplocos glauca Symplocos viridissima Symplocos pseudobarberina Symplocos hainanensis Symplocos heishanensis Symplocos atriolivacea Symplocos ramosissima Symplocos polyphylla Symplocos subcuneata Symplocos arechea l'hér. Symplocos citrea Symplocos coccinea Symplocos corymboclados Symplocos dasyphylla Symplocos falcata Symplocos hiemalis Symplocos insignis Symplocos nivalis Symplocos nuda Symplocos peruviana Symplocos pilosiuscula Symplocos pubescens Symplocos reflexa Symplocos rhamnifolia Symplocos spruceana Symplocos suaveolens Symplocos tenuifolia Symplocos tetrandra Symplocos extraaxillaris Symplocos lugubris Symplocos mezii Symplocos nana Symplocos scabra Symplocos panamensis Symplocos tacanensis Symplocos incahuasensis Symplocos theiformis Symplocos breedlovei Symplocos longipes Symplocos excelsa Symplocos mapiriensis Symplocos uniflora Symplocos povedae Symplocos speciosa Symplocos glomerata Symplocos fuliginosa Symplocos ecuadorensis Symplocos chloroleuca Symplocos austrosinensis Symplocos poilanei Symplocos lucida Symplocos euryoides Symplocos fordii Symplocos nokoensis Symplocos crenatifolia Symplocos dryophila Symplocos racemosa Symplocos crassilimba Symplocos hookeri Symplocos pyrifolia Symplocos pilosa Symplocos henschelii Symplocos multipes Symplocos spectabilis Symplocos globulifera Symplocos caudata Symplocos adenophylla Symplocos denticulata Symplocos psiloclada Symplocos austromexicana Symplocos blancae Symplocos neei Symplocos sandemanii Symplocos pycnantha Symplocos jurgensenii Symplocos caerulescens Symplocos platyphylla Symplocos chaoanensis Symplocos retusa Symplocos pachycarpa Symplocos itatiaiae Symplocos neglecta Symplocos nitidiflora Symplocos pentandra Symplocos glanduloso-marginata Symplocos revoluta Symplocos bidana Symplocos incrassata Symplocos badia Symplocos occulta Symplocos pustulosa Symplocos revoluta Symplocos boonjee Symplocos bullata Symplocos oresbia Symplocos puberula Symplocos menglianensis Symplocos morii Symplocos naniflora Symplocos neocaledonica Symplocos laxiflora Symplocos baracoensis Symplocos yangchunensis Symplocos guadelupensis Symplocos ecuadorica Symplocos inopinata Symplocos minima Symplocos wooroonooran Symplocos gittinsii Symplocos urbaniana Symplocos okinawensis Symplocos nitens Symplocos interrupta Symplocos complanata Symplocos ampulliformis Symplocos bombycina Symplocos argenna Symplocos atjehensis Symplocos hottae Symplocos vacciniifolia Symplocos melanochroa Symplocos patazensis Symplocos sandiae Symplocos weberbaueri Symplocos kleinii Symplocos oranjeensis Symplocos migoi Symplocos leochaii Symplocos tanakana Symplocos pycnophylla Symplocos bractealis Symplocos brandisii Symplocos columbuli Symplocos banaensis Symplocos barisanica Symplocos elegans Symplocos batakensis Symplocos bolivarana Symplocos borneensis Symplocos sousae Symplocos sanaensis Symplocos sararensis Symplocos limoncillo