Shrub or slender tree to 18 m, 15 cm ø. Twigs appressedly (long-)hairy, rarely glabrous. Leaves sparsely appressedly pilose, nearly glabrous beneath, with cuneate base, 6—15(—18) by 2½-6 (-7) cm; nerves 3-6 pairs; petiole 3-5 mm. Spike basally branched, contracted, axis appressedly pubescent. Bracts and bracteoles broadly ovate, often boat-shaped, appressedly pubescent, c. 1 mm long. Calyx appressedly pubescent, 1¼-2 mm long, lobes 1-1½ mm, often becoming longer in older stage. Corolla 3-5 mm. Stamens c. 30 to c. 70. Disk glabrous. Ovary appressedly pubescent, l-1½ mm high; style glabrous. Fruit glabrous.
Lowland mixed Dipterocarp forest, also in a swamp forest, and in hill rainforest on sandy clay, from sea-level to 1500 m. Fl. Sept.-Oct., Febr.-June; fr. July, Nov.