Shrub or treelet. Twigs obliquely to patently long-pilose. Leaves glabrous to sparsely appressedly long-pilose beneath, acuminate to caudate with rounded to subcordate base and sharply glandular dentate to nearly entire margin, elliptic, 3-11 by 1¾-3½ cm; nerves 6-9 pairs, meeting in a looped intramarginal vein; petiole 1-2 mm. Flowers in a raceme or panicle to 2 cm, axis pilose. Pedicels 0-2(-3) mm. Fruit blue.
Montane rainforest, on humus on sandstone, and on podsolized sand (kerangas), 1000-1700 m. Fl. March-April; fr. April, Aug.