Shrub. Twigs velutinous. Leaves glabrous except the appressedly pilose midrib and the recurved finely dentate margin underneath, or appressedly fine-pilose beneath, acuminate with rounded base, elliptic, c. 4 by 2 cm; nerves c. 5-7 pairs, meeting in a looped intramarginal vein; petiole with same indument as twigs, c. 2 mm. Flowers in a 1-5-flowered raceme up to 3 cm; axis patently pubescent. Pedicel 0-½ mm, but much longer when flowers solitary. Fruit blue.
Montane rainforest, often mossy, on ridges, also in scrub forest, 1700-2570 m. Fl. April, July, Oct.; fr.--04.