Shrub or small tree to 6 m. Leaves ± elliptic, 6-22 by 3-7 cm; nerves 6—13(—16) pairs; petiole l-10(-20) mm, narrowly winged, except to its very base. Flowers in a 3(-5) cm long often branched raceme or spike. Pedicels 0-3 mm. Calyx ½-l (-1 ½) mm long. Corolla 3-5 mm. Disk 5-glan-dular, glabrous, rarely with some hairs. Ovary 1 ½(-2 ½) mm high. Fruit ovoid, ellipsoid or rarely cylindrical, 5-12 by 3-8 mm; stone with high, interrupted ridges which often protrude from the base, enclosing some fleshy mesocarp. Seed ovoid to horse-shoe-shaped, embryo curved with an angle of about 90° to twice screw-like curved.