A large, epiphytic vine, the caudex 1-1.5 cm. thick, the internodes elongate; juvenile leaves long-petiolate, the blades sagittate, 13-15 cm. long, the basal lobes triangular or oblong-lanceolate, the terminal lobe acuminate; petioles of adult leaves 40-50 cm. long, vaginate for about half their length, the blades 5-to 11-cleft, the middle segment of the blade about 20 cm. long and 6-7 cm. wide, the next lateral segments slightly shorter and narrower, the outermost about 10 cm. long, often auriculate on the outer side, the segments separated by short or elongate internodes of the rachis; peduncles several, separated by linear-lanceolate, whitish cataphylls, about 10 cm. long; tube of the spathe 3-5 cm. long and 1.5-2 cm. thick, oblong-ovoid, the blade about 6 cm. long and 4-5 cm. wide, green outside, whitish or pink within, ovate, cuspidate; pistillate portion of the spadix 2 cm. long, green, the staminate 5 cm. long, 10-13 mm. thick, slightly attenuate to each! end; ovaries depressed-obpyramidal, the stigma discoid, suborbicular.
An evergreen climbing vine. It has roots that attach, to help it climb. It can be 10 m long. The young leaves are simple and green or with white patterns. They are 7-14 cm long. The leaf stalk is 15-60 cm long. The older leaves are divided to the leaf stalk and with 3 parts to the side lobes. The flowers are in a spike in the axils of leaves. The flowers are cream or white. The spike is 1-2 cm long. It has a yellow or white spathe around the flower spike. The fruit is a multiple fruit. It is 3-7 cm long and can be yellow, orange or red. The seeds are brown or black.