Plants medium-sized, forming loose tufts, green to dark green above, light brown below; saxicolous or corticolous. Stems 10-15 mm high, branching; in section with large central strand, inner cortical cells large, thin-walled, outer cortical cells in 1-2 rows, small, incrassate, reddish. Leaves imbricate, contorted dry, widespreading wet; lingulate to subspathulate, 2.5-4.5 mm long; apex rounded, margins entire, plane or reflexed at mid-leaf. Costa mucronate; ventral superficial cells quadrate or infrequently rectangular, thin-walled, papillose, dorsal superficial cells elongate, strongly incrassate, smooth; in section guide cells 2, ventral cells in two layers, surface cells papillose, dorsal stereid band 6-8 cells thick, dorsal surface cells not differentiated. Upper laminal cells quadrate to hexagonal, with 4-6 C-shaped papillae over lumen; basal cells rectangular, hyaline, smooth; upper basal marginal cells quadrate. Propagulae leaf-like, in clusters on short stalks at apex; elliptical; costa present, ending as smooth, yellow apiculate cell; body cells hexagonal, papillose. Perichaetia terminal, leaves slightly smaller. Seta erect, 7-9 mm long, reddish yellow; capsule cylindrical, 2.0-2.5 mm long, reddish yellow, exothecial cells rectangular, 1-3 rows at mouth smaller, quadrate; peristome fragile, yellowish to reddish yellow, teeth weakly twisted, filamentous, ornately papillose above short, erectly tasselated basal membrane; mature operculum not seen, calyptra cucullate, 4 mm long; spores round, 15 µm, papillose.
Stems 5-10 mm. Leaves infolded and twisted when dry, recurved when moist, broadly spatulate, 1.5-2.5 × 0.6-0.8 mm; margins plane, entire before but with a few teeth near the apex; apices acute; costa percurrent, yellow or brown, smooth; basal cells abruptly differentiated, narrower toward the margins; distal cells quadrate to hexagonal, 10-15 µm, bulging, with about 4 papillae per cell. Specialized asexual reproduction propagula borne on stalks in axils of distal leaves, leaf-like, 0.25-0.45 mm, green, papillose, costate. Sexual condition dioicous (perigonia and sporophytes unknown).
Plants in loose tufts. Stems 10-15 mm long, central strand large. Leaves infolded and twisted when dry, subspathulate, 2.5-4.5 mm long; apex rounded; margins plane, entire; costa mucronate, smooth. Upper laminal cells quadrate to hexagonal, 4-6 C-shaped papillae per cell; basal cells abruptly differentiated, narrower toward the margins. Propagula on stalks in axils of distal leaves, leaf-like. Capsule cylindrical, peristome teeth weakly twisted, fragile.