Syntrichia Brid.


Bryophytes > Pottiales > Pottiaceae


Plants small to large tufts, green to yellow-or red-brown. Stems simple or forked, epidermal cells differentiated in 1-3 layers, central strand usually present. Leaves appressed and variously twisted when dry, erect-spreading to squarrose when moist, obovate, spatulate, or lingulate, rarely broadly oblong-lanceolate; margins plane or revolute, usually entire; apices acute to truncate or emarginate, and often apiculate; costa generally strong, percurrent to long-excurrent as a hyaline or colored awn, usually rounded abaxailly, in section showing 1 median layer of large guide cells, 1-3 layers of smaller adaxial cells, a weak or strong abaxial stereid band, and sometimes a group of hydroids, but no abaxial epidermis of larger cells; basal cells abruptly differentiated, large and rectangular, smooth, hyaline, thin-walled, often lax; distal cells quadrate or sometimes slightly longer than wide, small and obscure to large and lax, usually pluripapillose on both surfaces, rarely 1-papillose only on the abaxial surface; marginal cells sometimes differentiated, thicker-walled and colored or pale. Specialized asexual reproduction often present, propagula borne on the lamina or costa, in leaf axils, or on rhizoids, in shape leaflike, spherical, or cylindric. Sexual condition dioicous, autoicous, or synoicous; perigonial bracts often short, ovate or oblong-lingulate, blunt, with costa often ending before the apex, perichaetia terminal, the bracts not differentiated. Seta red or brown, elongate, smooth. Capsule erect, straight or slightly curved, red or brown, cylindric, sometimes with a distinct neck, usually striolate when dry; operculum conic, straight or slightly oblique, shorter than the urn; peristome consisting of 32 filiform, reddish, papillose divisions slightly to strongly twisted together above a pale, tessellated basal membrane 1/6-2/3 the total length of the peristome. Calyptra long-cucullate, acute, yellow or brown. Spores finely to strongly papillose. KOH laminal color reaction brick-red.
Life form -
Growth form -
Growth support -
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality -
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) -


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Syntrichia unspecified picture


LSID 35001262
WFO ID wfo-4000037338
INPN ID 433825
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link



Lower taxons

Syntrichia berthoana Syntrichia handelii Syntrichia prostrata Syntrichia norvegica Syntrichia pagorum Syntrichia papillosa Syntrichia papillosissima Syntrichia virescens Syntrichia bartramii Syntrichia leucostega Syntrichia longimucronata Syntrichia mollis Syntrichia saxicola Syntrichia schnyderi Syntrichia serrata Syntrichia socialis Syntrichia subaristata Syntrichia viridula Syntrichia magilliana Syntrichia minor Syntrichia subpapillosissima Syntrichia bidentata Syntrichia rupicola Syntrichia muricata Syntrichia sarconeurum Syntrichia lithophila Syntrichia breviseta Syntrichia buchtienii Syntrichia napoana Syntrichia polylepidis Syntrichia pseudolatifolia Syntrichia angustifolia Syntrichia serrulata Syntrichia rufa (schimp. ex besch.) o'shea Syntrichia boliviana Syntrichia aciphylla Syntrichia agraria Syntrichia alpina Syntrichia astoma Syntrichia calcicola Syntrichia canescens Syntrichia caninervis Syntrichia crenulata Syntrichia cuneifolia Syntrichia desertorum Syntrichia ericetorum Syntrichia laevipila Syntrichia latifolia Syntrichia leucostoma Syntrichia montana Syntrichia princeps Syntrichia ruralis Syntrichia schmidii Syntrichia spuria Syntrichia abranchesii Syntrichia ammonsiana Syntrichia andicola Syntrichia cavallii Syntrichia fragilis Syntrichia pseudohandelii Syntrichia rigescens Syntrichia sinensis Syntrichia submontana Syntrichia aculeata Syntrichia alpestris Syntrichia amphidiacea Syntrichia anderssonii Syntrichia antarctica Syntrichia austro-africana Syntrichia baileyi Syntrichia bipedicellata Syntrichia bogotensis Syntrichia brachyclada Syntrichia brandisii Syntrichia brevisetacea Syntrichia cainii Syntrichia campestris Syntrichia ciliata Syntrichia conferta Syntrichia costesii Syntrichia epilosa Syntrichia filaris Syntrichia flagellaris Syntrichia fontana Syntrichia fuscoviridis Syntrichia geheebiaeopsis Syntrichia gemmascens Syntrichia glacialis Syntrichia gromschii Syntrichia jaffuelii Syntrichia lacerifolia Syntrichia didymodontoides Syntrichia limensis Syntrichia obtusissima Syntrichia percarnosa Syntrichia phaea Syntrichia pichinchensis Syntrichia pygmaea Syntrichia robusta Syntrichia rubella Syntrichia rubra Syntrichia subpapillosa Syntrichia glabra Syntrichia densa Syntrichia linguifolia Syntrichia magellanica Syntrichia pseudorobusta Syntrichia ramosissima Syntrichia reflexa Syntrichia scabrella Syntrichia scabrinervis Syntrichia serripungens Syntrichia xerophila Syntrichia sucrosa