Stems 2-10 mm. Leaves infolded and spirally twisted around the stem when dry, wide-spreading when moist, lingulate to spatulate, 1.25-2 × 0.5-0.75 mm; margins plane, entire, except for papillose crenulations, not bordered; apices acute to truncate or occasionally emarginate; costa excurrent into a conspicuously tapered, serrate awn 0.1-0.6 mm, red or yellow, sparsely to densely spinulose abaxially; basal cells abruptly differentiated, with somewhat thickened cross walls, those at the margins narrower; distal cells irregularly polygonal, isodiametric, 9-13 µm, obscure, bulging and densely papillose, with 4-6 papillae per cell, moderately thick-walled and not collenchymatous. Specialized asexual reproduction absent. Sexual condition dioicous (perigonia and sporophytes unknown).