Leaves simply pinnate, ending in one leaflet or a pair; leaflets alternate, with pellucid gland dots (not always obvious in mature dried leaves); lateral nerves looped into a submarginal nerve; petiolules short, twisted; stipules intrapetiolar, often early caducous.
Stamens usually 10 but sometimes fewer; filaments tomentose below, one free, the rest connate below into a short tube; anthers dorsifixed, dehiscing by longitudinal slits.
Ovary stipitate, at least the stipe tomentose; ovules several; style elongate, coiled when young; stigma capitate.
Flowers distichous on the inflorescence axis in racemes or panicles; bracts and bracteoles small, early caducous.
Pods flattened, woody, short, apparently indehiscent at least in the Zambian species, smooth or warty outside.
Inflorescences of terminal or axillary racemes or panicles.
Petals 5, subequal, imbricate, clawed, lamina crinkled.
Sepals 4, narrowly imbricate, fulvous-sericeous inside.
Seeds 1–4, without areole but with a small basal aril.
Trees, evergreen, unarmed.
Hypanthium short.