Sepals free. Erect or sprawling shrublet with ascending branches to 60 cm. Leaves firm, flat or folded, often revolute, oblong, 15-30 x 4-6 mm. Flowers solitary in upper axils, papillate outside, stigmas 2 or 3. Fruit large, 4-winged, 16-25 mm long, flat or emarginate apically, distinctly ridged in upper half between wings.
Fruit up to 2·5 cm. long and wide, suborbicular, 2–4-locular, (3)4-winged, notched at top, rounded or rather abruptly narrowed at the base; wings firm, with reticulate veins and distinct intermediate ridges.
Leaves 2–2·5 × 0·2–0·6 cm., subfleshy, lanceolate, expanded, folded or slightly revolute, papulose especially on the inferior surface, narrowed at base into a petiole up to 4 mm. long.
Flowers up to 3 mm. long, greenish or yellowish, with slender pedicels 1–2 cm. long, elongating at the fruiting stage.
Young stems pruinose-papulose, with decurrent ridges, the older terete, pale-coloured, almost smooth.
Inflorescences axillary, solitary or geminate, disposed in a loose nearly leafless raceme.
Ovary wholly inferior, 2–4-locular; styles 2–4, very slightly longer than the stamens.
Stamens c. 15, with linear-oblong anthers more or less as long as the filaments.
Perianth-segments 4, 2–3 mm. long, oblong, acute and papulose.
Perennial up to 50 cm. high, diffuse, much-branched.