Rhizomatous perennial 3–5 dm; petioles 1 cm; lvs ovate-oblong or triangular-ovate, 3–6 cm, crenate, truncate to shallowly cordate at base; racemes few to several, terminal and axillary, secund, 1 dm; bracts ovate or lance-ovate; pedicels 1–3 mm; cal 5–6 mm, the upper lobe broadly depressed-ovate, apiculate, the others triangular, subulate-tipped; cal reticulate-veiny at maturity; cor greenish-yellow, 1 cm, the tube much exceeding the cal; filaments nearly straight; 2n=32. Native of Europe, rarely intr. in our range, reported from Ont. and O.
A small shrub. It is hairy and has underground stems or rhizomes. It grows 50-60 cm high. It spreads 45 cm wide. The leaves are oval or triangle shaped. They are woolly. The flowers are cream or yellow and in loose clusters up to 15 cm long.