Annual or perennial hairy herbs (in Mal.); hair sometimes capitate-glandular. Leaves decussate. Flowers either 2 in a verticillaster, secund, forming terminal and axillary raceme-like inflorescences, or 6-18 in a verticillaster forming terminal and axillary cylindric thyrses. Calyx campanulate, 10-nerved, 5-toothed with the upper 3 teeth slightly longer, less conspicuously 2-lipped. Corolla exserted; tube without a hair-ring inside; limb 2-lipped, the upper lip deeply 2-lobed, seemingly absent, the lower lip 3-lobed, associated with the two upper lobes forming a 5-lobed whole. Stamens 4, exserted, two lower ones longest; anthers reniform, 2-celled, at length confluent. Disk symmetrical. Style 2-fid, branches subequal. Nutlets flattened, subtriquetrous, rugose or reticulate; surface of contact large, oblique, lateral.
Herbs, perennial, rarely annual herbs or half-shrubs, branching from the base or in the inflorescences. Leaves opposite or whorled, simple or variously lobed or parted, petiolate or subsessile, pinnately-nerved. Inflorescences verticillasters, l-oo flowered, solitary and axillary, or arranged in spikes, the bracts leaf-like. Flowers subsessile or with slender pedicels; bracteoles not apparent; calyx tubular or campanulate, sometimes becoming saccate at maturity, actinomorphic or weakly zygomorphic, 10-veined, the teeth ? equal, or the lower tooth larger; corolla tubular and short, or funnelform and slightly exserted, scarcely bilabiate, seem-ingly 1-lipped and 5-lobed, in actuality the upper lip 2-lobed, the lobes laterally
Perennial, rarely annual, herbs or small shrubs, sometimes rhizomatous. Lvs simple, usually toothed. Bracts leaflike or reduced. Verticels either axillary with 1-3 fls or fls sometimes in terminal heads or spikes. Calyx tubular or campanulate, sometimes gibbous at base, equally 5-toothed, or 2-lipped with unequal teeth. Corolla tube included or exserted, ± curved, usually short, without a ring of hairs inside; limb with lower lip 5-lobed, the terminal lobe much the largest; upper lip 0. Stamens usually long-exserted and curved. Style not gynobasic, its branches equal. Nutlets smooth or reticulate.
Cal campanulate, 10-nerved, slightly oblique at the throat, with 5 scarcely to evidently unequal teeth; cor seemingly 1-lipped, the upper lip represented only by its 2 lobes, which are separated and displaced so as to arise from the lateral margins of the well developed, declined, otherwise 3-lobed lower lip, of which the central lobe is much the largest; stamens 4, exserted, the lower pair the longer; ovary merely 4-lobed, the style terminal, the nutlets laterally attached and almost completely united. 100, cosmop.
placed, the lower lip 3-lobed, the middle lobe largest, the 2 lateral lobes about equal to the lobes of the upper lip; stamens 4, paired, exserted, the lower pair longer, the filaments distinct, the connective not developed, the anthers with 2 functional thecae; ovary 4-lobed, the style terminal, long and slender, bifid near the tip. Nutlets ca 4, temporarily united, ovoid to wedge-shaped, glabrous or pubescent, the pericarp sculptured or smooth.
Corolla white; tube short with a pubescent annulus at throat, split dorsally to near base of tube giving a 1-lipped appearance; lobes 5, all on anterior side, with the anterior lobe cucullate, elliptic, longer than the others; lateral and posterior lobes rounded.
Stamens 4, attached to corolla tube, parallel, ascending, arched, exserted from split corolla, pubescent at base; anthers with thecae divergent, confluent to such an extent that the separate thecae are hard to distinguish.
Fruit 4-lobed eventually splitting into 4 dry reticulate mericarps each containing a seed; mericarps conspicuously scarred with a areole where previously fused, pubescent at apex.
Calyx green, campanulate, 5-lobed, persistent and slightly accrescent in fruit; lobes lanceolate.
Inflorescence terminal, thyrsoid with cymes opposite and arranged in a raceme-like manner.
Ovary hairy, 2 carpellate, each carpel divided into 2 loculi; ovules one per locule.
Style subterminal, ± equalling filaments, bifid with equal lobes.
Perennial herbs with few stems arising from a woody rhizome.
Leaves opposite, decussate.
Flowers non-resupinate.
Seeds albuminous.
Disk indistinct.