Plants small to medium-sized. Stems 1-pinnate or irregularly branched, branches erect-ascending, simple or irregularly branched; epidermal cells elongate; rhizoids reddish brown, densely branched, smooth. Leaves deltoid-ovate; base decurrent; apex broadly acute to obtuse, abruptly contracted, acumen long, apiculate or piliferous; costa single or sometimes double, 1/2-3/4 leaf length, sometimes spurred or 2-fid; alar cells quadrate or subrectangular; laminal cells rhombic to fusiform, stoutly 1-papillose abaxially, papillae columnar, simple or 3-6-branched. Seta yellowish when young, red when mature, flexuose when dry, smooth. Capsule cylindric to ovoid-cylindric, symmetric to somewhat curved, smooth to weakly wrinkled when dry; exothecial cells at mouth oblate to quadrate, proximal cells quadrate to short-rectangular, enlarged, red, walls thin to thick; stomata on neck; annulus rudimentary, persistent, 2-or 3-seriate, cell walls thin; operculum conic-subulate; exostome teeth united at base on short, smooth membrane, white, linear, external surface smooth basally, finely papillose distally, trabeculae and median line thickened, internal surface lightly papillose, trabeculae weak; endostome rudimentary, white, lightly papillose, basal membrane low or high, segments reduced to stubs or to 1/2 exostome length, cilia 1 or 2, nublike or absent. Spores smooth to lightly papillose.