Plants in dense mats, bluish gray, yellowish gray, or dark green, glaucous. Stems creeping or ascending, often densely tomentose; epidermal cells small, walls firm to thick, cortical cells enlarged, central strand present; paraphyllia subfoliose or absent; pseudoparaphyllia filamentous or foliose-ciliate; rhizoids from clusters of initials abaxial to leaf insertions; axillary hairs of 3-6 cells, basal cell subrectangular, reddish brown, distal cells oblong, hyaline. Stem and branch leaves occasionally dimorphic; densely foliate, erect-appressed or imbricate when dry, erect-swollen when moist, concave. Sexual condition phyllodioicous; dwarf males on tomentum or leaves of female plants. Seta elongate. Capsule erect; stomata present; peristome diplolepidous. Calyptra cucullate, smooth, naked.