Leaf curved, 70–200 × 4–10 mm, dark green, base purplish, ribbed. Flower stem 50–150 × 2–3 mm, 1–7-(10)-flowered. Sterile bract usually 1. Flowers 20–30 mm across, whitish to pale blue, externally greenish. Sepals and petals 8–13 × 3.5–6 mm. Column 5–6 × 2.3–3 mm, white, pale blue or pink; post-anther lobe 2–2.4 × 0.8–1.2 mm, hooding anther, pale yellow or light brown, sometimes with light brown collar, curved suddenly at nearly 90º, elongate, tubular, inflated, hooded, apex bright yellow or orange, shallowly notched; column arms converging, 1.3–2 mm long, curved sharply upwards; hair-tufts toothbrush-like, white, hairs 1–1.3 mm long, covering apex of post-anther lobe.
Localised; found growing in rock crevices and shallow soil pockets on low, rocky outcrops in bleak, windswept areas close to the coast in shallow, freely draining, dark, sandy loam; occasionally occurs in heathland with rock strata close to the surface.