Leaf terete, 60–200 × 0.5–1 mm, wiry. Flower stem flexuose, 100–300 × 1–1.5 mm, reddish, wiry, 1–4-flowered (usually 2). Sterile bracts several, small. Flowers 10–15 mm across, cream to pale yellow. Sepals and petals 5.5–9 × 3.5–4 mm (labellum shortest and narrowest), externally brownish yellow. Column 3.5–4.5 × 2.5 mm, white to cream, 4 lines of short hairs on dorsal surface from base to apex; post-anther lobe very short, not hooded, sometimes notched, a few brown papillae on dorsal side; column arms reduced to small bumps or rounded lobes. Anther large, bright yellow to orange, covered with short hairs or papillae.
Widespread and common; found growing among low shrubs and sedges in depressions, swamp margins, heathland and other seasonally moist to wet sites in sandy and peaty soil, sometimes in shallow water.