Leaf usually flaccid, more or less flat, 100–300 × 8–22 mm, bright green, shiny, thin-textured. Flower stem 150–350 × 2–3.5 mm, 2–11-flowered. Sterile bracts usually 2. Flowers 20–35 mm across, pale blue, pink or mauve, rarely white. Sepals and petals 10–18 × 4–8 mm. Column 5–7 × 2.5–3.5 mm, white, pale blue or pinkish; post-anther lobe 2–3 × 1.5–2.5 mm, hooding anther, brown with yellow or orange apex, gently curved, tubular, slightly inflated, hooded, notched; column arms porrect, converging, 1–1.2 mm long, curved sharply upwards near apex; hair-tufts nearly globose, white, hairs 1–1.5 mm long.
A ground orchid. It has one leaf. It is 30 cm long and 22 mm wide. The flower spike is 35 cm high. There are up to 11 pink flowers.
Localised; found growing on rocky cliffs, escarpments, boulders and rocky slopes in humid, open forest. Commonly grows in clumps of the lithophytic orchid Thelychiton kingianus almost throughout its range, with the tubers of the sun orchid buried among the root systems and decaying pseudobulbs of the lithophyte. A northern population in Carnarvon Ranges grows in clumps of Thelychiton carnarvonense.
It is a subtropical plant. It grows on sunny rocky outcrops amongst moss and lichens.