Leaf 100–200 × 8–10 mm. Flower stem 150–250 × 2–3 mm, 1–8-flowered. Sterile bracts 2 or 3. Flowers 20–25 mm across, pale blue to bright blue, externally blue or mauve. Sepals and petals 12–15 × 5.5–8 mm (labellum narrowest). Column 5–6 × 2.5–3 mm, white or bluish with pale yellow apex and dark apical collar; post-anther lobe short, dorsal surface with few irregular bumps, yellow-tipped, deeply and irregularly lobed; auxiliary lobes short, not much higher than post-anther lobe, deeply toothed; column arms obliquely erect, 1–2 mm long; hair-tufts elongated, mop-like, somewhat sparse, white, hairs c. 1 mm long.