Plants solitary or clumping, pale green. Leaf 100–250 × 5–12 mm, fleshy, mid green, base green or purplish. Flower stem 150–300 × 1–3 mm, 2–7-flowered. Sterile bracts usually 1. Flowers 13–22 mm across, pale blue to pale purplish, pale green externally. Sepals and petals 5–11 × 3.5–7 mm. Column 4–6 × 2.2–3.7 mm, pale blue or pale pink; post-anther lobe 2–3 × 1.5–2.7 mm, usually yellowish, occasionally brownish with thin, purplish collar and yellow apex, tubular, not inflated, hooded, shallowly notched; column arms converging, 1–1.5 mm long, curved gently upwards; hair-tufts mop-like, white, hairs 0.8–1.2 mm long, covering apex of post-anther lobe.
Generally uncommon; growing in low, coastal heath, swamp margins and amongst rocks in wet, sandy loam.