Themeda triandra Forssk.

Red grass (en), Thémède austral (fr)


Angiosperms > Poales > Poaceae > Themeda


Stiff, reddish glaucous perennial tufts often forming large patches; branching intravaginal. Leaf-sheath light greenish brown to reddish tinged, coriaceous, keeled, lower sheaths villous, hairs fine tubercle-based, upper sheaths more sparsely hairy to glabrous. Ligule 0.7-1 mm, membranous, truncate, erose or shortly ciliate, finally shredding into fine cilia. Leaf-blade 15-35 cm ×c. 2 mm, folded to flat with revolute margins, strongly keeled, of similar texture to sheath, scabrid, often a few tubercle-based hairs near margins above ligule; margins and midrib pubescent-scabrid near long, fine, acicular tip. Culm 25-90 cm, internodes glabrous. Panicle 15-35 cm, spikelets in 2-4 clusters at tips of slender branches, each cluster slightly overtopped by leaf-like spathe and consisting of 2-4 spikelet-fascicles; each fascicle subtended by a spathe-like bract > spikelets but < awns; rachis 2-3.5 mm, callus-like and covered with dense fulvous hairs; segments falling with sessile and pedicelled spikelets. Involucral spikelets ♂ or Ø: 8.5-15 mm, dorsally compressed, persistent; glumes ± equal, acuminate; lower firmly membranous, closely 11-nerved, inflexed and keeled near narrow hyaline margins, upper subhyaline, 3-nerved, 2-keeled with ciliate margins; lemma of lower floret shorter, 1-nerved; lemma of upper floret minute, or 0; palea 0; anthers, when present, 2.5-5 mm. Pedicelled spikelets: 9.5-13 mm, similar to involucral spikelets but narrower; pedicels glabrous, c. 2 mm. Sessile spikelets ☿: 3.5-8 mm, narrow-elliptic; lower glume obscurely 7-9-nerved, fulvous, with stiff reddish hairs just below apex, upper shortly pubescent near apex; lemmas < glumes, glabrous, spike-like in upper floret, awn 3.5-5.5 cm, geniculate, column brown, pubescent, bristle scabrid; anthers c. 2-2.5 mm; caryopsis 4.5 mm.
Perennial from a knotty rootstock. Culms tussocky, yellowish, usually farinose near nodes, 0.5–1.5 m tall. Leaf sheaths usually hispid with tubercle-based hairs; leaf blades 10–50 × 0.4–0.8 cm, glabrous or pilose, finely acuminate; ligule 1–2 mm, truncate, ciliate. Compound panicle lax, open, with spaced, often nodding spathate fascicles; spathes and spatheoles narrowly lanceolate, glabrous or thinly to densely tuberculate-hispid, innermost 2–3.5 cm. Raceme composed of a triad of 1 sessile and 2 pedicelled spikelets above the involucre of 2 homogamous pairs. Homogamous spikelets all sessile, arising at same level, staminate, both glumes present, 7–14 mm, oblong-lanceolate with lateral scarious wings, glabrous or hispid with tubercle-based hairs. Sessile spikelet 5–7 mm; callus 1.5–3 mm, pungent, brown bearded; lower glume dorsally rounded, dark brown, glossy, hispidulous in upper 1/3, smooth below; awn 3.7–7 cm. Pedicelled spikelet 7–12 mm, male or barren. Fl. and fr. Jun–Dec. 2n = 20, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80.
Tufted perennial; culms 30 cm. to 2 m. high, erect.. Leaf-blades flat, up to 30 cm. long or more, and 1–8 mm. wide.. False panicle up to about 30 cm. long, composed of wedge-shaped clusters of 2–8 racemes enfolded by spatheoles and spathes; spatheole 1.5–3.5 cm. long, russet coloured, glabrous to tuberculate-pilose; raceme containing 1 fertile spikelet.. Homogamous pairs arising at about the same level; lower glume narrowly elliptic, 6–14 mm. long, glabrous to tuberculate-hirsute.. Sessile spikelet 6–11 mm. long, including a pungent rufously bearded callus 2–4 mm. long; lower glume brown, smooth except for the appressedly pubescent tip; awn 2.5–7 cm. long, puberulous.. Pedicelled spikelet 6–14 mm. long, glabrous or tuberculate-pilose; callus 2–3 mm. long.. Fig. 192.
Rhizomatous perennial, 0.3-1.5 m high. Leaf blade up to 300 x 1-8 mm, sheath compressed; apices abruptly or gradually tapering; ligule a lacerated, unfringed membrane. Inflorescence a leafy, false panicle of densely packed racemes in fan-shaped clusters enclosed in spatheoles and spathes; racemes very short, composed of a single, awned sessile spikelet and 2 pedicelled spikelets, the whole enclosed by an involucre of 4 sterile spikelets; internodes and pedicels linear, homogamous spikelets all sessile. Sessile spikelet 5-7 mm long; awn 25-70 mm long, stout, geniculate; anther 3.5-4.0 mm long. Pedicelled spikelet equalling sessile to somewhat longer, up to 8.5 mm long. Flowering time Sept.-June.
Perennial; up to 1.5 m high; rhizomatous. Leaf blades up to 300 x 1-8 mm; apices abruptly or gradually tapering; leaf sheaths compressed; ligule a notched membrane. Flowers: in a complex; false panicle; spikelets clustered in drooping; triangular units resembling a single spikelet; each unit usually 1-awned; rarely 2-or 3-awned; composed of a single; awned; sessile; bisexual spikelet and 2 pedicelled spikelets; enclosed by an involucre of 4 sterile sessile spikelets; sessile spikelets 5-7 mm long; pedicellate spikelets equal or somewhat longer; spathes reddish.
Perennial 300-1500 mm high; rhizomatous. Leaf blade to 300 x 1-8 mm, sheath compressed; blade tips abruptly or gradually tapering; ligule a lacerated membrane. Fertile spikelets and bract-like sterile spikelets are wedge-shaped or in drooping triangular clusters within reddish spathes. Sessile spikelet 5-7 mm, long-awned; anther 3.5-4.0 mm long. Pedicelled spikelet equalling sessile to somewhat longer, up to 8.5 mm long.
Perennial, rhizomatous, up to 1.5 m high. Leaf blades up to 300 mm long, 1-8 mm wide, leaf sheaths compressed, blade tips abruptly or gradually tapering; ligule a notched membrane. Spikelets (sessile) 5-7 mm long (pedicellate equalling it or somewhat longer), awned, in drooping triangular clusters with reddish spathes and bract-like sterile spikelets.
A herb. It is a grass which grows in dense tufts. It keeps growing from year to year. It grows about 1 m high. The leaves are coarse and narrow. They are 30 cm long. The stems are slightly flattened and smooth. The flower heads occur in stalked clusters. They are green and purple. They turn a rusty brown as they ripen.
False panicle up to c. 30 cm long, composed of wedge-shaped clusters of 2–8 racemes enfolded by spatheoles and spathes; spatheole 1.5–3.5 cm long, russet-coloured, glabrous to tuberculate-pilose; raceme containing 1 fertile spikelet.
Sessile spikelet 6–11 mm long (including the pungent rufously barbate callus 2–4 mm long); inferior glume brown, smooth except for the appressed-pubescent apex; awn 2.5–7 cm long, puberulous.
Homogamous spikelet pairs arising at about the same level, the internode barely perceptible; inferior glume 6–14 mm long, narrowly elliptic, glabrous to tuberculate-pilose.
Perennial to 80 cm. Leaves linear. Spikelets long-awned, in triangular clusters subtended by spathes, reddish, brown and yellow.
A most important grazing grass in eastern and southern Africa, where it is often a dominant constituent of grasslands.
Pedicelled spikelet 6–14 mm long, glabrous or tuberculate-pilose; callus 2–3 mm long.
Leaf laminas up to, or exceeding, 30 cm × 1–8 mm, flat.
Caespitose perennial; culms up to 200 cm high, erect.
Tufted perennial 1·2–1·8 m. high
Rusty brown spatheoles
Life form perennial
Growth form herb
Growth support free-standing
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination anemogamy
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) 1.5
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) 1.5
Root diameter (meter) 0.35
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway c4


It is a temperate plant. It grows in most types of soils. It is drought resistant. It grows in tropical and temperate places. It grows in the Upper Nile. It grows best with temperatures of 25-35°C. It grows in hot arid areas. It grows in areas with an annual rainfall between 375-6,250 mm. It grows from sea level to 3,000 m above sea level. It will re-grow after fire. It can grow in arid places. Melbourne Botanical gardens.
Dominant in the extensive Acacia-grasslands at elevations from 1,200-2,000 metres in East Africa, and widespread elsewhere in grassland and in open woodlands, especially on clay soils, at elevations from sea level to over 3,000 metres.
Light -
Soil humidity 1-6
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 8-12


The seeds are ground and eaten. They are cooked and used for damper.
Uses animal food environmental use fodder food gene source material medicinal poison
Edible leaves seeds
Therapeutic use Cyanogenetic (unspecified), Thatch (unspecified)
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Plants can be grown from seed. The seed need to be stored for 6-11 months.
Mode seedlings
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) 20
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) 19 - 27
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -



Themeda triandra habit picture by susan brown (cc-by-sa)
Themeda triandra habit picture by susan brown (cc-by-sa)
Themeda triandra habit picture by Leigh Winowiecki (cc-by-sa)


Themeda triandra leaf picture by Leigh Winowiecki (cc-by-sa)
Themeda triandra leaf picture by bimbi bimbi (cc-by-sa)
Themeda triandra leaf picture by susan brown (cc-by-sa)


Themeda triandra flower picture by Brett Bissell someguy (cc-by-sa)
Themeda triandra flower picture by susan brown (cc-by-sa)
Themeda triandra flower picture by susan brown (cc-by-sa)


Themeda triandra fruit picture by bimbi bimbi (cc-by-sa)
Themeda triandra fruit picture by susan brown (cc-by-sa)


Themeda triandra world distribution map, present in Angola, Andorra, Burkina Faso, Bangladesh, Botswana, Central African Republic, China, Cabo Verde, Djibouti, Algeria, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, France, Ghana, Guinea, Indonesia, Japan, Kenya, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Lesotho, Morocco, Moldova (Republic of), Madagascar, Mali, Myanmar, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Nepal, New Zealand, Oman, Pakistan, Philippines, Korea (Democratic People's Republic of), Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Senegal, Solomon Islands, Somalia, eSwatini, Turks and Caicos Islands, Chad, Thailand, Tunisia, Taiwan, Province of China, Tanzania, United Republic of, Uganda, United States of America, Viet Nam, Yemen, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe


WFO ID wfo-0000903590
BDTFX ID 119539
INPN ID 672996
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Andropogon ciliatus Anthistiria depauperata Anthistiria desfontainii Anthistiria paleacea Anthistiria polystachya Anthistiria subglabra Apluda imberbis Themeda imberbis Themeda japonica Anthistiria argentea Anthistiria australis Anthistiria barbata Anthistiria forskaolii Anthistiria glauca Anthistiria imberbis Anthistiria japonica Anthistiria puberula Anthistiria punctata Anthistiria syriaca Themeda australis Themeda barbinodis Andropogon tenuipedicellatus Anthistiria caespitosa Anthistiria ciliata Anthistiria cuspidata Anthistiria vulgaris Calamina imberbis Stipa paleacea Themeda brachyantha Themeda forskalii Themeda glauca Themeda polygama Calamina imberbis Anthistiria brachyantha Themeda barbata Anthistiria ciliata var. burchellii Anthistiria ciliata var. mollicoma Anthistiria ciliata var. syriaca Anthistiria imberbis var. argentea Anthistiria imberbis var. burchellii Anthistiria imberbis var. mollicoma Anthistiria imberbis var. roylei Stipa arguens var. japonica Themeda triandra var. sublaevigata Themeda triandra var. syriaca Themeda forskalii var. argentea Themeda forskalii var. burchellii Themeda forskalii var. glauca Themeda forskallii var. imberbis Themeda forskalii var. major Themeda forskalii var. mollissima Themeda forskalii var. paleacea Themeda forskallii var. vulgaris Themeda japonica var. viridiflora Themeda triandra subsp. japonica Themeda triandra var. brachyantha Themeda triandra var. bracteosa Themeda triandra var. burchellii Themeda triandra var. glauca Themeda triandra var. hispida Themeda triandra var. imberbis Themeda triandra var. japonica Themeda triandra var. punctata Themeda triandra var. trachyspathea Themeda triandra var. vulgaris Anthistiria ciliata var. brachyantha Anthistiria arguens var. japonica Themeda forskalii var. syriaca Themeda forskalii var. brachyantha Themeda forskalii var. punctata Themeda triandra var. roylei Themeda triandra