Leaf-lamina up to 7 × 6 cm., broadly ovate to suborbicular in outline, bluntly or rather acutely shallowly 3-lobed (more rarely entire), lepidote on both surfaces, apex somewhat acuminate, margins entire, base truncate to very shallowly cordate and 5-nerved; petiole up to 4·5 cm. long, slender, lepidote; stipules not seen.
Flowers 3–4·5 cm. in diam., solitary, axillary or forming terminal racemes or panicles by reduction of the upper leaves; peduncle 2–4 mm. long, 1–3-flowered, lepidote.
Epicalyx of 3–5 bracts c. 3 mm. long, linear to subulate, very early caducous.
Staminal tube 12–13 mm. long; free parts of filaments 3–3·5 mm. long.
Fruit subglobose, 15–16 mm. in diam., red, somewhat fleshy, glabrous.
Seeds 9 × 5–6 mm., irregularly lunate, glabrous or almost so.
Calyx 12 × 6–7 mm., lepidote outside, glabrous inside.
Small tree or shrub 2–5 m. tall; branchlets lepidote.
Petals up to 4·5×3 cm., obovate.