Plants light green to yellowish or brownish. Stems 4-9 cm, 2-pinnate, frondose; paraphyllia papillose usually at or near cell ends. Stem leaves ± incurved basally and wide-spreading apically when dry, spreading with reflexed apices when moist, broadly ovate, distinctly plicate, 1 mm; margins plane at least when removed from stem, rarely ± revolute proximally, papillose-serrulate, more strongly so in acumen; apex abruptly acuminate; costa nearly filling acumen but disappearing near apex; distal laminal cells rhombic to oblong-rhombic, to 24 × 8-10 µm. Branch leaves with apical cell truncate, multipapillose. Primary branch leaves to 0.5 mm; costa shorter. Secondary branch leaves 0.2 mm; apex acute; costa 1/3-2/3 leaf length. Perichaetial leaves to 4.2 mm, margins denticulate, sometimes dentate or notched near base of acumen. Seta 2-4.2 cm. Capsule 2-3.5 mm; operculum 0.7-1 mm, long-conic or bluntly short-rostrate; endostome cilia in groups of 2 or 3. Spores 11-16 µm, smooth or nearly so.