A herb. It has straggling slender stems. It has some soft hairs. The leaf stalks are 1-3 cm long. The leaf blade in triangle shaped. The base is heart shaped. The leaves can be 5 cm long and 5 cm wide. The flowers occur singly in the axils of leaves. They have a tube 2 cm long and widen to 3 cm across. The fruit is hard and round. It is 7 mm across. It splits in half and has hard tapering beaks.
Perennial herb or creeper, 0.4-1.0 m high. Leaves ovate, sparsely pubescent. Corolla with inner and outer surface of tube dull orange-yellow; lobes 13-25 x 13-27 mm. Flowering time Nov.-Feb.
Glabrescent vine. Leaves broadly sagittate, obscurely toothed. Flowers solitary in axils on glabrescent pedicels, dull orange-yellow.