Thunbergia Retz.

Thunbergia (en)


Angiosperms > Lamiales > Acanthaceae


Erect to spreading, perennial herbs, shrubs or perennial twining (counterclockwise) vines, without cystoliths. Branches ± terete to quadrangular, occasionally longitudinally grooved. Leaves opposite, petiolate, blades often cordate to hastate at base, margins entire to lobed or dentate. Inflorescences of solitary or clustered flowers in leaf axils or in a terminal thyrse of alternate or opposite, 1-flowered, pedunculate dichasia; bracteoles (previously called “bracts” by this and other authors) green, spathaceous, enclosing most or all of corolla tube, usually persistent in fruit, free or fused along one side. Flowers homostylous, sessile; calyx persistent, reduced, annular, entire or ± irregularly 5-20-lobed; corollas white, yellow, orange, blue or purple, tube funnelform or salverform, expanded distally into a distinct throat, throat sometimes very wide and open, limb 5-lobed, subregular to 2-lipped with upper lip 2-lobed, lower lip 3-lobed, lobes subequal, contorted in bud, spreading or reflexed; stamens 4, often didynamous, inserted near base of throat, included; anthers 2-thecous, thecae equal to unequal in size, parallel to subparallel, equally to subequally inserted, often awned or appendaged basally, variously pubescent, staminodes 0; disk annular, enclosing ovary at base; ovary fleshy with 2 collateral ovules in each locule, stigma funnelform or 2-lobed, lobes equally inserted or superposed. Capsules estipitate, with expanded seed-bearing portion at base, apically prominently rostrate, retinacula lacking; seeds 4, 2 in each locule, semiglobose to ovoid, with a prominent pore or flattened (ventral) side, verrucose or smooth.
Vines [or shrubs], lacking cystoliths. Leaves petiolate; leaf blade margin entire to lobed to dentate. Flowers solitary or paired in leaf axils, or in terminal dichasiate thyrses, pedunculate; bracteoles leaflike, paired, enclosing calyx and most or all of corolla tube, distinct or fused along one side, persistent. Calyx much shorter than bracteoles, cupular with 10-20 subulate lobes or reduced to an entire ring. Corolla funnel-shaped, large; tube with short cylindric base then widened; limb ± equally 5-lobed. Stamens 4, often didynamous, inserted near base of corolla tube, included; anthers 2-thecous; thecae oblong or ovoid, parallel, spurred or not at base, sometimes bearded. Disk shortly annular or pulvinate. Ovary fleshy; ovules 2 per locule, collateral; style glabrous or pubescent; stigma 2-cleft, entire, or fringed. Capsule basally subglobose, apically prominently beaked, 2-4-seeded; retinacula absent. Seeds compressed to spherical, lacking trichomes.
Herbaceous vines or shrubs. Leaves hastate, rhomboid or ovate. Flowers large, peduncled, borne singly in axils or in terminal racemes; bracts 2, foliaceous, large; calyx short, cupuliform, truncate or toothed; corolla 5-merous, funnelform; anthers 4, didynamous, attached near the base of the corolla tube, anthers with an apiculate connective; ovary fleshy, the style apically dilated; ovary basally subtended by a conspicuous fleshy nectary (rounded, entire disc). Capsule basally globose extending abruptly into a flattened beak; seeds 2 in each cavity, semiglobose, borne on papilliform funicles.
Life form perennial
Growth form shrub
Growth support -
Foliage retention -
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) -
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months -
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 8-12


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) 14 - 21
Germination temperacture (C°) 21 - 23
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Thunbergia unspecified picture


Thunbergia world distribution map, present in Australia, China, Panama, United States of America, and South Africa


WFO ID wfo-4000038303
BDTFX ID 102172
INPN ID 445374
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Meyenia Valentiana Hexacentris Thunbergia

Lower taxons

Thunbergia kirkiana Thunbergia hossei Thunbergia javanica Thunbergia mauginii Thunbergia erythraeae Thunbergia maculata Thunbergia mechowii Thunbergia macalensis Thunbergia geoffrayi Thunbergia hawtayneana Thunbergia hebecocca Thunbergia hederifolia Thunbergia rogersii Thunbergia bancana Thunbergia vossiana Thunbergia tomentosa Thunbergia trachychlamys Thunbergia austromontana Thunbergia barbata Thunbergia citrina Thunbergia minziroensis Thunbergia mufindiensis Thunbergia napperae Thunbergia liebrechtsiana Thunbergia lamellata Thunbergia lancifolia Thunbergia gossweileri Thunbergia gregorii Thunbergia retefolia Thunbergia palawanensis Thunbergia papilionacea Thunbergia papuana Thunbergia parviflora Thunbergia parvifolia Thunbergia pleistodonta Thunbergia stenochlamys Thunbergia smilacifolia Thunbergia subcordatifolia Thunbergia sessilis Thunbergia siantanensis Thunbergia similis Thunbergia brachypoda Thunbergia brachytyla Thunbergia celebica Thunbergia batjanensis Thunbergia benguettensis Thunbergia bianoensis Thunbergia bicolor Thunbergia cycnium Thunbergia cynanchifolia Thunbergia crispula Thunbergia clarkei Thunbergia colpifera Thunbergia cuanzensis Thunbergia crispa Thunbergia adenocalyx Thunbergia affinis Thunbergia anatina Thunbergia angolensis Thunbergia armipotens Thunbergia arnhemica Thunbergia atacorensis Thunbergia togoensis Thunbergia thespesiifolia Thunbergia trichocarpa Thunbergia hirsuta Thunbergia nivea Thunbergia malangana Thunbergia oubanguiensis Thunbergia paulitschkeana Thunbergia pynaertii Thunbergia ridleyi Thunbergia quadricostata Thunbergia recasa Thunbergia quadrialata Thunbergia ilocana Thunbergia huillensis Thunbergia kangeanensis Thunbergia jayii Thunbergia hastata Thunbergia buennemeyeri Thunbergia cycloneura Thunbergia dasychlamys Thunbergia racemosa Thunbergia reniformis Thunbergia richardsiae Thunbergia schliebenii Thunbergia tsavoensis Thunbergia verdcourtii Thunbergia vogeliana Thunbergia hyalina Thunbergia atriplicifolia Thunbergia natalensis Thunbergia pondoensis Thunbergia purpurata Thunbergia venosa Thunbergia holstii Thunbergia laurifolia Thunbergia petersiana Thunbergia ruspolii Thunbergia mildbraediana Thunbergia laborans Thunbergia schimbensis Thunbergia graminifolia Thunbergia lathyroides Thunbergia lutea Thunbergia convolvulifolia Thunbergia gracilis Thunbergia cyanea Thunbergia amoena Thunbergia atriplicifolia Thunbergia capensis Thunbergia dregeana Thunbergia neglecta Thunbergia eberhardtii Thunbergia chrysops Thunbergia rufescens Thunbergia hookeriana Thunbergia annua Thunbergia cordata Thunbergia schweinfurthii Thunbergia oblongifolia Thunbergia stellarioides Thunbergia longifolia Thunbergia battiscombei Thunbergia stelligera Thunbergia microchlamys Thunbergia coccinea Thunbergia fischeri Thunbergia gibsonii Thunbergia guerkeana Thunbergia hamata Thunbergia subalata Thunbergia bogoroensis Thunbergia masisiensis Thunbergia heterochondros Thunbergia ciliata Thunbergia usambarica Thunbergia fasciculata Thunbergia angulata Thunbergia kirkii Thunbergia eymae Thunbergia leucorhiza Thunbergia laevis Thunbergia mysorensis Thunbergia grandiflora Thunbergia erecta Thunbergia fragrans Thunbergia alata