Tillandsia flexuosa Sw.

Twisted airplant (en)


Angiosperms > Poales > Bromeliaceae > Tillandsia


Plant acaulescent, flowering 50-95 cm long, with a 20-35 cm tall flexuous-tubular or narrowly funnelform rosette, of 10-20, often twisting and transversely white-banded, leaves, sometimes with offset on the scape of the inflorescence. Leaves stiff-coriaceous, 20-40 cm long, normally shorter than the scape, the outer ones reduced and bladeless, densely appressed-lepidote, usually with transverse bands of extended spreading scales outside; sheaths large, but not very distinct, evenly merging into the blades, ovate, inflated, 5-9 x 2.5-5 cm, often deep purple at the (membranaceous) margins; blades arching and often twisting in one direction, very narrowly triangular, becoming involute toward the apex when dry, 20-30 x 1.8-3.5 cm, attenuate, then (abruptly) pungent. Inflorescence simple or laxly bipinnate of 2-6 distichously arranged branches, 45-88 cm long; scape erect, 23-50 cm long, 2-4 mm in diam., almost entirely glabrous, dark green, for most part covered by bracts; scape bracts erect, chartaceous, elliptic, the lower ones imbricate and with foliaceous blades, the upper ones more apiculate or subacute and somewhat shorter than the internodes, densely appressed-lepidote; axis elongate, wholly exposed, flexuous, at least toward the apex, sharply angled (when dry), for most part glabrous or sparsely lepidote; primary bracts like the upper scape bracts, clasping the branches, much shorter than the peduncle; peduncle 6-10 cm long, sparsely lepidote at one side, with one or two remote bracts; racemes spreading, often ascending, elongated, 8-25 cm long, very laxly and distichously 3-10-flowered, with one sterile bract at the apex; rachis entirely visible, slender, flexuous, sharply angled, subglabrous; floral bracts spreading, clasping the flower, chartaceous, with prominently veined surface (when dry), elliptic, 2-3 cm long, about equaling the internodes, much exceeded by the sepals, membranaceous at the margins, broadly acute or rounded and obscurely apiculate, ecarinate, appressed-lepidote. Flowers spreading, distinctly pedicellate (to 1 cm long); sepals subchartaceous, with prominently veined surface when dry, narrowly elliptic, 2-3 cm long, obtuse, free, ecarinate, sparsely lepidote or glabrous; petals erect, divergent or coiled at the apex, to 4 cm long, acute, purple-rose (or white?); stamens exserted, unequal, exceeded by the pistil (at least the 3 shorter ones), filaments straight, flat, except at the apex, anthers dorsifixed (at 2/5), ca. 3 mm long; ovary ovoid, ca. 5 mm long, style slender, stigmas linear (bristle-like). Capsule slenderly cylindric, to 7 cm long, 2-3 times as long as the floral bracts, evenly tapering toward the apex, then abruptly short-beaked.
Plants single or in small clusters, flowering to 1 m. Stems short. Leaves 10--20, many-ranked, spreading to recurved, spirally twisted, gray or reddish, banded silver, to 40 ´ 1--2.5 cm, appressed-grayish-scaly; sheath dark chestnut brown, broadly elliptic to ovate, not inflated, not forming pseudobulb, 2--3 cm wide; blade narrowly triangular, leathery, channeled to involute, apex attenuate. Inflorescences: scape conspicuous, erect, 15--40 cm, 3--5 mm diam.; bracts laxly imbricate, erect to spreading, distal widely spaced, like leaves but gradually smaller; sheath of bracts narrowing abruptly into blade; spikes very laxly 2--6-flowered, erect to spreading, simple or 2-pinnate, linear in outline, 12--40 ´ 3--4.5 cm, apex acute; lateral branches 2--8. Floral bracts widely spaced, spreading with flowers, gray or reddish, exposing most of rachis at anthesis, elliptic, not keeled, 2.3--3.1 cm, thin-leathery, base not visible at anthesis, apex acute, surfaces glabrous to slightly scaly. Flowers 5--40, conspicuous; sepals free, elliptic, not keeled, 2--3 cm, leathery to thin-leathery, veined, apex obtuse, surfaces glabrous; corolla tubular, petals erect, apex spreading, pink to dark rose, ligulate, to 4 cm; stamens exserted; stigma exserted, conduplicate-spiral. Fruits to 7.5 cm.
Plant 2-15 dm. high. Leaves 10-20 in a dense often subbulbous rosette, 2-5 dm. long, densely pale-appressed-lepidote, usually marked with broad white trans-verse bands, the outer bladeless, squamiform; sheaths ovate, very large but merging with the blade; blades narrowly triangular, about 25 mm. wide, acuminate, then abruptly acute, curved, stiff. Scape erect, slender, glabrous. Scape-bracts erect, tubular-involute, elliptic, lepidote, at least the upper ones shorter than the internodes. Inflorescence simple or very laxly bipinnate. Primary bracts like the upper scape-bracts, much shorter than the sterile bases of the axillary branches. Branches ascending, to 4 dm. long, very lax. Rhachis slender, flexuous, angled, glabrous. Floral bracts elliptic, acute, 2-3 cm. long, equaling or shorter than the sepals, ecarinate, chartaceous, nerved, lepidote. Flowers spreading. Pedicels to 7 mm. long. Sepals narrowly elliptic, obtuse, 2-3 cm. long, free, sparsely lepidote or glabrous. Petals tubular-erect, to 4 cm. long, white, rose or purple. Stamens exserted. Capsule slenderly cylindric, to 7 cm. long.
Life form perennial
Growth form herb
Growth support epiphyte
Foliage retention evergreen
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) 0.35 - 0.98
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months
Fruit color -
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway cam


Light 7-9
Soil humidity 3-7
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 9-11


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Can be grown by seedlings.
Mode seedlings
Germination duration (days) 30 - 90
Germination temperacture (C°) 15 - 21
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -



Tillandsia flexuosa habit picture by Daniel Barthelemy (cc-by-nc)


Tillandsia flexuosa world distribution map, present in Aruba, Bahamas, Costa Rica, Cuba, Cayman Islands, Dominica, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Panama, Puerto Rico, Suriname, United States of America, and Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)


LSID urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:125147-1
WFO ID wfo-0000578510
INPN ID 731717
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR)


Tillandsia flexuosa f. alba Anoplophytum flexuosum Tillandsia aloifolia Tillandsia flexuosa Tillandsia patens Vriesea aloifolia Vriesea tenuifolia Anoplophytum flexuosum Platystachys patens Vriesea aloefolia Tillandsia flexuosa var. fasciata Tillandsia flexuosa var. vivipara