Shrub, sometimes scandent, 1.5–5 m. high, rarely with leaves and twigs in whorls of 3; young twigs puberulous.. Leaf-blades ovate or elliptic, 6–12 cm. long, 3–5 cm. wide, acuminate at apex, rounded or cuneate at base, glabrous except for the puberulous midrib beneath, coriaceous, glossy above; 3–5(–6) pairs of lateral nerves; tertiary nerves perpendicular to midrib, ± conspicuous (reminiscent of Mussaenda arcuata); domatia hairy; petiole 5–10 mm. long, puberulous; stipules triangular, fused at the base, with awns 4 mm. long, puberulous outside, inside with silky hairs and colleters in a row.. Flowers 6-merous, sessile; inflorescences 3-or 5-flowered; bracts and bracteoles cupular but not resembling calyx-limb, provided with 2(–4) short awns and 2 ± leafy appendages, pubescent outside and with silky hairs and a row of colleters at the base inside.. Calyx-tube pubescent; limb 3 mm. long, deeply divided into 4 lobes, shallowly notched at the tip, similar to bracteoles in hairiness and colleters.. Corolla white (only one withered one known), pubescent outside; tube ± 4 cm. long, sparsely hairy inside; lobes ± 1/3 the length of the tube.. Anthers sessile, pubescent, 2 mm. long, almost included, apiculate.. Placenta with ± 12 ovules; style pubescent, ? exserted.. Fruit imperfectly known, almost spherical, ± 1.6 cm. in diameter, crowned by the persistent calyx-limb.. Seeds numerous in both chambers; seed-coat with elevated isodiametric cells.. Fig. 89/1.