Inflorescences axillary and sessile, subsessile or infrequently shortly pedunculate, 1–several-flowered, usually compact; bract and bracteoles similar, opposite pairs fused to form cup-like structures (cupules), with leaf-derived and stipule-derived lobes (the latter occasionally subfoliaceous) apparent (TAB. 92/B2), or more often with (0 or 2)4 shorter awns and somewhat resembling the calyx limb (TAB. 92/B3–B5), arranged in a series, subtending the usually condensed inflorescence branches with the uppermost cupule subtending and frequently surrounding the calyx tube (Tab. 92/B6) or, sometimes chaffy in texture, entire in young bud then irregularly splitting (TAB. 92/B1), less often (not in Flora Zambesiaca area), alternate and not fused; bractlets (bracteoles fide Robbrecht) free in pedicellate species, either opposite or alternate (TAB. 92/B1).
Seeds 1–many per locule (rarely only 1 per fruit by abortion of the second chamber); seed coat chestnut-brown, colliculate, striate or smooth; hilum long, linear, often curved or with a small excavation; endosperm horny in texture; embryo straight, attaining at most half the height of the seed; cotyledons ± equalling the basally oriented radicle.
Stamens attached to the throat, mostly with distinct filaments; anthers medifixed, exserted, rarely (sect. Ephedranthera) sessile and half-included to almost completely included, with or without an inconspicuous or markedly conspicuous apical appendage formed by an extension of the connective.
Fruits ± drupe-like, mostly less than 1 cm in diameter, rarely somewhat larger and with a ± dry, sclerified indehiscent wall (not in Flora Zambesiaca area), mostly red, rarely orange, or in subgen. Empogona first white then turning blackish; calyx limb mostly persistent; endocarp papery.
Leaves evergreen or deciduous, sometimes dimorphic (blades at start of new season’s growth, smaller and broader than main leaves, TAB. 92/A), subsessile to petiolate, often with domatia, never with bacterial nodules; stipules sheathing, each limb awned.
Ovary 2-locular, with 1–many ovules embedded in a placenta attached to the septum; style 2-lobed, exserted, lying between the anthers or just overtopping them, but deeply included in the short-styled form of sect. Ephedranthera (TAB. 92/D2).
Flowers (4)5–9(12)-merous, mostly sweet-scented, sessile or less often pedicellate, hermaphrodite (with the exception of a unisexual group of Madagascan species), occasionally dimorphic (sect. Ephedranthera, TAB. 92/D1&D2).
Calyx very variable, either with a short limb-tube and distinct lobes (subgen. Empogona, TAB. 92/C1–C3) or with well developed, truncate or dentate limb-tube (subgen. Tricalysia, TAB. 92/C4–C9).
Corolla mostly white, sometimes greenish, cream-coloured or rose-coloured, salver-shaped; lobes spreading or reflexed, contorted to the left.
Mostly shrubs, less often small trees or large dominant trees (a few species, not in the Flora); rarely rhizomatous undershrubs.
Disk annular.