Leaves deciduous, borne towards the apex of young stems or short twigs (above the fruit), dimorphic, those at start of new season’s growth smaller and shorter or broader; main blades 3.5–6.8 × 1–2.2 cm, narrowly elliptic or elliptic, acute or obtuse at the apex, acute at the base, drying olive-green or brown, scarcely paler below than above, papery when dry (described on field notes as coriaceous, subcoriaceous or sub-fleshy), sparsely pubescent on both surfaces or ± glabrous; midrib flat above, prominent and pale beneath, pubescent on both surfaces; lateral nerves in (3)4(5) main pairs; tertiary nerves obscure; domatia present as small tufts of hairs, or sometimes absent; petiole 1.5–3 mm long, pubescent; stipule limbs 1–2 mm long, ± truncate with awns (1)1.5–3 mm long, puberulous.
Calyx tube entirely hidden by upper bracteolar cup, with whitish or golden-yellow hairs; limb-tube 2–2.5 mm long, splitting into 3–4 lobes, sometimes thin in texture and tending to wither, often breaking off in fruit, pubescent outside, with dense silky hairs inside.
Deciduous shrub or small tree 1–6 m tall, often with short congested lateral twigs, paired but sometimes with internodes reduced so as to appear as a whorl of 4twigs, or alternate; young stems with short hairs.
Corolla white or cream-coloured, pubescent outside; tube 3–7 mm long, with long hairs near throat inside; lobes 4–4.5 × 2 mm, acuminate.
Inflorescences sessile, 1–3(many)-flowered; bract and bracteoles cupular, the upper one the largest, 2-or 4-dentate, pubescent.
Fruit olive-green or brown when dry, c. 5 mm in diameter, glabrous, becoming pubescent towards top.
Pollen presenter held between the anthers; placenta with 2 collateral ovules.
Seeds (1)2 per locule, c. 4 mm long, segment-shaped, brown.
Filaments 1.5–2 mm long; anthers 3–4.5 mm long.
Flowers 6-merous, sweet-scented.
Style pubescent.