Lip 3–6 × 1–2 mm, entire, lanceolate, acute, sometimes slightly dentate or ciliolate on the margins, with 2 fleshy auricles at the base, by the mouth of the spur; spur 7–16 mm long, very slender, straight or slightly sigmoid, more or less parallel to ovary.
Leaves distichous, twisted at base to lie in one plane, 3.5–8 × 0.6–2 cm, elliptic-oblong, unequally and obtusely 2-lobed at apex, thick-textured and somewhat fleshy, olive-green.
Sepals 3.7–5.7 × 1.5–2.8 mm, oblong or elliptic, acute or obtuse, the lateral sepals somewhat oblique.
Stems elongated, to c. 50 cm long, woody, often branched, covered with black-spotted old leaf bases.
Inflorescences arising along the stem, opposite the leaves, 10–15 mm long, 2–4-flowered.
Flowers straw-orange to brownish-orange, the sepals with brownish scales on the outside.
Column 1.2–2.2 mm long; stipes oblanceolate, emarginate at apex; viscidium circular.
Flowers green, yellow-green, pale yellow or white.
Petals 4–5.2 × 1–1.7 mm, lanceolate, acute.
Pedicel and ovary 4–4.5 mm long, lepidote.
Roots 2–3 mm in diameter, verrucose.
Bracts brown, 1–2 mm long.
Pendent, epiphytic herb.
Peduncle 1–2 mm long.