Column short, fleshy, without a foot; pollinia 2; stipes 1, entire or Y-shaped; viscidium 1, circular or elliptic, usually small; rostellum long, slender, tapering to the apex.
Leaves distichous, usually linear, elliptic or oblong, often twisted at the base to lie in one plane, unequally 2-lobed at the apex, articulated to sheathing leaf bases.
Stem long or short, branched or unbranched, erect or pendent, covered with sheathing leaf bases.
Inflorescences arising opposite the leaves, through leaf sheaths, 2–many-flowered.
Flowers usually small, white, yellow, buff-orange or green.
Lip entire or 3-lobed with basal auricles, spurred at base.
Sepals and petals similar, free, usually spreading.
Epiphytic or lithophytic monopodial herbs.
Peduncle usually short; bracts sheathing.