Plants epiphytic; stems reed-like, c. 400 mm tall, 7 mm in diameter, covered by persistent leaf bases; leaves conduplicate at the base, flat apically, linear-lorate, unequally bilobed with the lobes rounded, 150 x 10 mm. Inflorescences borne below the leaves, arcuate, 50-70 mm long and with c. 8 flowers; sheaths hyaline, tubular, 5 mm long; bracts very broadly tubular, 2-3 mm long. Flowers star-like, white, 12 mm in diameter; pedicel plus ovary straight, 6 mm long. Sepals subequal, oblong, subacuminate with the apices keel-shaped and reflexed; median 7x4 mm; latªerals 8.5 x 5 mm. Petals lorate-lanceolate, acute, oblique, 7.5 x 2 mm. Lip deeply 3-lobed, limb ecallose, oblong, 4 x 2.5 mm; midlobe narrowly triangular, acute, 3 x 1.5 mm; side lobes linear-lorate, apically lacerated, 5x1 mm; entrance to the spur flanked by narrow strips of tissue. Gynostemium 2 mm tall; stigma flanked by wide wings; rostellum 1 mm long.
Lip 7.5–13 mm long, 3-lobed at about halfway; mid-lobe 2.5–4.5 × 1.5–2.5 mm, triangular; side lobes spreading, 5–9.5 mm long, oblong, long lacerate at apex; spur 3.4–7 cm long, slender, incurved.
Dorsal sepal 6–9 × 2.2–4.7 mm, oblong, obtuse; lateral sepals 6.8–9 × 3–5.3 mm, obliquely ovate, obtuse.
Leaves 10–21 × 0.8–2 cm, linear or ligulate, unequally 2-lobed at the apex, the lobes rounded.
Inflorescences arising along the stem, 4.5–15 cm long, 7–15-flowered.
Flowers white, cream, pale yellow or orange-buff, faintly fragrant.
Flowers creamy-white or orange-buff with a greenish spur.
Petals 5–9 × 1.2–2 mm, linear-lanceolate, acute.
Roots 3–3.5 mm in diameter, smooth.
Bracts sheathing, 1.5–2 mm long.
Pedicel and ovary 5–7 mm long.
Stem 30–85 cm long.
Column 2–3 mm long.
Epiphytic herb.