Glabrous. Leaves mostly alternate, rarely opposite or scattered; lamina ovate, 10-16 (-30) by 6-12 cm, thick, attenuate or cuneate at the base to a winged petiole 10-14 mm long, obtuse or rounded at the apex, dull on both sides; venation pinnate with the midrib visible above and prominent below and the main laterals obscure on both sides. Inflorescences at the nodes, a raceme (or spike) of 20-30 usually sparsely inserted flowers; axis 50-80 mm long, 4-6 mm thick, with a non-flowerbearing basal part 5-10 mm long, lacking a sterile tip; pedicels 0-1 mm long, c. 2 mm thick. Corolla in the mature bud 65-75 mm long, gradually widened upwards, with 2 rows of small wings near the point of reflexion of the lobes 18-25 mm below the apex, narrowed to a neck in the upper part, clavate and angular and obtuse at the apex, yellow with a green band at the neck and apex; tube in the open flower c. 55 mm long, more deeply split on one side, with the lobes reflexed 3-4 mm higher. Anther 8-10 mm long, obtuse, about twice as long as the free part of the filament. Fig. 45.