Small shrub up to 1.3 m tall with a long tap-root; young branches greyish-brown, tomentellous, becoming scurfy pubescent and later glabrescent and reddish-brown. Leaf-lamina 1-6.5 x 0.5-2.5 cm, ovate, ovate-oblong or oblong-lanceolate, acute, obtuse or rounded at the apex, margins ± irregularly serrate, rounded at the base, greyish-or greyish-brown-tomentellous on both sides; petiole 5-15 mm long, tomentellous; stipules 2-5 mm long, linear, tomentellous. Inflorescences of small cymes crowded at the nodes; cymes 1-3 or rarely more-flowered, with a tomentellous peduncle 5-8 mm long; pedicels similar, 1-3 mm long; bracts at the base of the pedicels 2-3 mm long, forming an involucre, tomentellous, subulate to lanceolate. Sepals 6-9 mm long, c. 1 mm wide at the base, 0.5 mm wide above, linear, reflexed just above the base, tomentellous outside, with a horn 0.5 mm long almost at the apex. Petals yellow, 4-5 x 1-1.5 mm, oblong-oblanceolate, apex rounded or retuse, base ciliate. Androgynophore c. 0.5 mm long, glands obovate; annulus ciliate, reflexed. Stamens 9-10; filaments c. 6 mm long. Ovary depressed-globose, 4-locular, tomentellous. Fruit up to 16 mm in diam. including the aculei; aculei very numerous, slender, stellately plumose, with c. 6-8 terminal setae.
Leaf-lamina 1–6·5 × 0·5–2·5 cm., ovate, ovate-oblong or oblong-lanceolate, acute, obtuse or rounded at the apex, margins ± irregularly serrate, rounded at the base, greyish-or greyish-brown-tomentellous on both sides; petiole 5–15 mm. long, tomentellous; stipules 2–5 mm. long, linear, tomentellous.
Inflorescences of small cymes crowded at the nodes; cymes 1–3 or rarely more-flowered, with a tomentellous peduncle 5–8 mm. long; pedicels similar, 1–3 mm. long; bracts at the base of the pedicels 2–3 mm. long, forming an involucre, tomentellous, subulate to lanceolate.
Small shrub, up to 1.3 m high. Leaves ovate, ovate-oblong or oblong-lanceolate, margins irregularly serrate, tomentellous on both sides. Terminal setae of prickles spreading, 6-8, prickles stellately plumose. Flowers yellow.
Sepals 6–9 mm. long, c. 1 mm. wide at the base, 0·5 mm. wide above, linear, reflexed just above the base, tomentellous outside, with a horn 0·5 mm. long almost at the apex.
Small shrub up to 1·3 m. tall with a long tap-root; young branches greyish-brown, tomentellous, becoming scurfy pubescent and later glabrescent and reddish-brown.
Fruit up to 16 mm. in diam. including the aculei; aculei very numerous, slender, stellately plumose, with c. 6–8 terminal setae.
Petals yellow, 4–5 × 1–1·5 mm., oblong-oblanceolate, apex rounded or refuse, base ciliate.
Androgynophore c. 0·5 mm. long, glands obovate; annulus ciliate, reflexed.
Ovary depressed-globose, 4-locular, tomentellous.
Stamens 9–10; filaments c. 6 mm. long.