Inflorescences ferruginous, of rather dense cymes opposite the bracts ± aggregated into small terminal panicles; bracts similar to the leaves but smaller and often displaced upwards so that the inflorescences appear axillary; peduncles up to 2·5 cm. long, ferruginous; pedicels up to 5 mm. long but usually less, ferruginous and bearing linear ferruginously hairy bracteoles up to 8 mm. long.
Leaf-lamina 1·5–5 × 0·7–1·4 cm., deeply 5–7-partite or-digitate; segments or leaflets oblanceolate, with appressed-stellate hairs of two kinds, some small and some much larger above, whitish-or pale-brownish-tomentellous below, acute or subacute at the apex, margin serrate, cuneate at the base; petiole up to 2·5 cm. long, ferruginously hairy.
Low shrub about 0·6 m. tall or sometimes with the branches trailing and almost prostrate, branching mostly from the base; branches densely ferruginously stellate-hairy when young.
Sepals 12–14 mm. long, linear, narrowing to the apex, ferruginously stellate-hairy outside, with a horn 4–5 mm. long inserted 0·75–1 mm. below the apex.
Fruit up to 3·5 cm. in diam. including the aculei, globose; aculei extremely numerous, densely plumose, with a single fine terminal seta.
Petals yellow, 9–10 mm. long, obovate and narrowed into a linear basal claw which is densely villous just above the base.
Androgynophore very short but with a villous annulus clasping the base of the ovary.
Ovary depressed-globose, villous, 5–6-locular.
Stamens 35–40, 0·8 cm. long.