Subshrubs. Stems erect, branched, 3–17 dm, stellate-pubescent, sometimes with simple hairs intermixed. Leaves: petiole 0.5–6(–9) cm; proximal blades broadly ovate to rhombic-ovate, sometimes obscurely 3-lobed, 3–8 cm, distal usually oblong, base rounded, rarely shallowly cordate, margins irregularly serrate-dentate, apex acuminate, surfaces: abaxial (veins and lamina) densely and uniformly stellate-pubescent, 5–7-veined from base. Inflorescences 2–3 per axil, usually foliar-bracteate; peduncle 1–2(–3) mm. Pedicels 2–3 mm. Flowers: sepals linear, subapically appendaged, 6 mm, stellate abaxially; stamens 15–25; ovaries 3(–4)-locular. Capsules globose to slightly ovoid, 3–4 mm, surface glabrous or sparsely minutely hirtellous and sparsely and inconspicuously glandular with minute viscid hairs; spines uncinate, retrorsely barbed. 2n = 32.