Cormous herb; corm subglobose, c. 2 cm diam. Leaves several; petiole c. 11 cm long, sheathing in lower 1/3–1/2; blade very variable in shape, elliptic with an obtuse base, to hastate to very deeply and narrowly trilobed, to c. 12 cm long; posterior lobes, when present, up to c. 1/2 length of anterior. Inflorescence: peduncle mostly subterranean; spathe c. 17 cm long; lower spathe c. 1.5 cm long, ovoid-cylindric, separated from limb by an abrupt constriction, minutely hairy internally; limb ovate, long-acuminate, spreading below, twisted above, brown-purple; spadix somewhat exceeding spathe, to 22 cm long; female zone c. 0.5 cm long, then a 0.5 cm zone of very fine and crowded filiform neuter organs, then a c. 2 cm naked interstice; male zone c. 1.5 cm long; appendix very slender and attenuate, vermiform, but base expanded into an oblique cap like the bowl of a spoon inverted over a short stipe. Infructescence within persistent spathe base.